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Beaker library to use the Google hypervisor

How to use this wizardry

This is a gem that allows you to use hosts with Google Compute hypervisor with Beaker.

Beaker will automatically load the appropriate hypervisors for any given hosts file, so as long as your project dependencies are satisfied there's nothing else to do. No need to require this library in your tests.

With Beaker 4.x

As of Beaker 4.0, all hypervisor and DSL extension libraries have been removed and are no longer dependencies. In order to use a specific hypervisor or DSL extension library in your project, you will need to include them alongside Beaker in your Gemfile or project.gemspec. E.g.

# Gemfile
gem 'beaker', '~>4.0'
gem 'beaker-google'
# project.gemspec
s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker', '~>4.0'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker-google'


You must be authenticated to Google Compute Engine to be able to use beaker-google. Authentication is attempted in two different ways, and the first that succeeds is used.


The behavior of this library can be configured using either the beaker host configuration file, or environment variables.

configuration option required default description
gce_project true The ID of the Google GCP project to host resources.
gce_zone true The zone to place compute instances in. The region is calculated from the zone name.
gce_network false Default The name of the network to attach to instances. If the project uses the default network, this and gce_subnetwork can be left empty.
gce_subnetwork false Default The name of the subnetwork to attach to the instances network interface. If the Default network is not used, this must be supplied.
gce_ssh_private_key false $HOME/.ssh/google_compute_engine The file path of the private key to use to connect to instances. If using the key created by the gcloud tool, this can be left blank.
gce_ssh_public_key false .pub The file path of the public key to upload to the instance. If left blank, attempt to use the file at gce_ssh_private_key with a .pub extension.
gce_machine_type false e2-standard-4 The machine type to use for the instance. If the BEAKER_gce_machine_type environment variable is set, it will be used for all hosts.
volume_size false Source Image disk's size The size of the boot disk for the image. If unset, the disk will be the same size as the image's boot disk. Provided size must be equal to or larger than the image's disk size.
image true or family The image to use for creating this instance. It can be either in the form {project}/{image} to use an image in a different project, or {image}, which will look for the image in gce_project.
family true or image The image family to use for creating this instance. It can be either in the form {project}/{family} to use an image from a family in a different project, or {family}, which will look for the image family in gce_project. The latest non-deprecated image in the family will be used.

All the variables in the list can be set in the Beaker host configuration file, or the ones starting with gce_ can be overridden by environment variables in the form BEAKER_gce_.... i.e. To override the gce_machine_type setting in the environment, set BEAKER_gce_machine_type.


In cases where the beaker process is killed before finishing, it may leave resources in GCP. These resources will need to be manually deleted.

Resource Type Name Pattern Count
Firewall beaker-<number>-* 1
Instance beaker-* One or more depending on test configuration


Please refer to voxpupuli/beaker's contributing guide.