
Implements a Beaker hypervisor that makes hosts provisioned by the AlwaysBeScheduling service available to a Beaker run.


Beaker will automatically load the appropriate hypervisors for any given hosts file, so as long as your project dependencies are satisfied there's nothing else to do. No need to require this library in your tests.

As of Beaker 4.0, all hypervisor and DSL extension libraries have been removed and are no longer dependencies. In order to use a specific hypervisor or DSL extension library in your project, you will need to include them alongside Beaker in your Gemfile or project.gemspec. E.g.

# Gemfile
gem 'beaker', '~>4.0'
gem 'beaker-abs'
# project.gemspec
s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker', '~>4.0'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker-abs'


Create a beaker host config with hypervisor: abs, and pass the data from the AlwaysBeScheduling service in the ABS_RESOURCE_HOSTS environment variable to the beaker ABS hypervisor. For example, given a host config:

    hypervisor: abs
    platform: el-7-x86_64
    template: redhat-7-x86_64
      - agent

Run beaker as:

env ABS_RESOURCE_HOSTS=<data> beaker --hosts hosts.yaml

Beaker will populate the vmhostname property for each host using information provided by the AlwaysBeScheduling service. This is typically used in a CI scenario, where the jenkins run-me-maybe plugin is populating the ABS_RESOURCE_HOSTS variable.

Using vmfloaty

If you do not specify a ABS_RESOURCE_HOSTS and request to provision via the beaker options, beaker-abs will fallback to using your vmfloaty configuration. By default it will look for the service named 'abs'. The name can also be configured via the environment variable ABS_SERVICE_NAME or the top level option in the hosts file abs_service_name. Similarly, the priority defaults to "1" which means it will take precedence over CI tests. Be careful not to run a CI test with this option. The priority can be configured via the environment variable ABS_SERVICE_PRIORITY or the top level option in the hosts file abs_service_priority.


Changing from default priority 1 to 3 via env var

ABS_SERVICE_PRIORITY=3 bundle exec beaker --provision --hosts=hosts.cfg --tests acceptance/tests

Changing the service name to look for in ~/.vmfloaty.yml via a beaker option file

$ cat options.rb
  provision: 'true',
  abs_service_name: "FOOBAR"
$ bundle exec beaker --hosts=hosts.cfg --tests acceptance/tests --options options.rb


After checking out the repo, run bundle install --path .bundle to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake test to run the tests.

To release a new version, run the release pipeline (infrastructure access is required) and provide the following parameters:

  • PUBLIC: Whether to release the gem to
  • version: Desired version to release

The pipeline will update the version number in version.rb, create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags to GitHub, and optionally push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache-2.0 License.