Sitemaps Module for BrowserCMS

This is a simple module that generates a basic xml Sitemap for BrowserCMS projects. For each published page, it generates the loc tag according to the Sitemap protocol, but no metadata.

To determine which pages should be included in the Sitemap, it leverages BrowserCMS' menu_items helper. This means that hidden or unpublished pages will not be included. Empty sections are also ignored.

The xml document is exposed at /sitemaps/google.xml


The Seo Sitemap module installs like most other BrowserCMS modules. You'll also need to install the Settings module which Seo Sitemap uses to write configuration values. Setting up both modules at once is easy though:

gem install bcms_seo_sitemap # This will install the settings gem as well.

Set up your application to use the module

1. Edit config/environment.rb

config.gem "browsercms"
config.gem "bcms_settings"
config.gem "bcms_seo_sitemap"

2. Run the following commands

script/generate browser_cms
rake db:migrate

3. Edit config/routes.rb

Make sure the routes.rb loads the sitemap routes.


4. Add the following line to the browsercms.rb initializer



The module adds a new entry under Administration > Tools labeled "Google Sitemap" where the module can be configured.

At the moment, only the "depth" option is available, which is passed to the menu_items helper method. Setting a depth of 2 will result in a call to menu_items like this:

menu_items(:depth => 2, :show_all_siblings => true, :page => Page.find_by_path('/')

The module's configuration (currently just one value) is written to a global key value store provided by the Settings module.

A depth value of 0 (the default) will include all published pages.