

The BBC Cosmos Tool is a Ruby gem that runs on the command line and helps make generating CloudFormation specifically for the BBC Cosmos infrastructure easier.

The gem supports the following features:

  • Pushing component config to the cosmos API
  • Creating stacks for a component in cosmos
  • Updating stacks for a component in cosmos

The gem also supports the following formats:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bbc-cosmos-tools'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bbc-cosmos-tools

Project directory structure

The cli tool needs to be used inside a project that has a specific directory structure. This structure looks something like the following (if using CFNDSL):

├── configs
│   ├── app.yaml
│   └── {component}.yaml.erb
├── resources
│   ├── int
│   │   └── {component}.yaml
│   ├── live
│   │   └── {component}.yaml
│   └── test
│   │   └── {component}.yaml
└── stacks
    └── {component}
        └── {stack}
            ├── aws
            │   ├── {resource}
            │       ├── {type}.rb
            │   └── {resource}
            │       ├── {type}.rb
            └── template.rb

Where by the {x} items equate to the following:

  • {component}
    The name of your Cosmos component (e.g. responsive-jmeter)

  • {stack}
    Typically this will be main (as there must always be a main stack)
    But be aware you can have multiple "stacks" for a component (it's just a structural convenience)

  • {resource}
    This could be (for example) a Scaling Group, IAM policy, SQS, or DynamoDB (any AWS service)

  • {type}
    This is a sub section of the resource
    e.g. if the resource was AWS::SQS::Queue then this file would be named queue.rb

Note: if you're using the YAML or JSON formats then the following structure is used (notice it's almost identical)

├── configs
│   ├── app.yaml
│   └── {component}.yaml.erb
├── resources
│   ├── int
│   │   └── {component}.yaml
│   ├── live
│   │   └── {component}.yaml
│   └── test
│   │   └── {component}.yaml
└── stacks
    └── {component}
        └── {stack}.{yaml|json}

Quick directory creation

A quick way to create the YAML/JSON directory structure is shown below:

function setup() {
  local component_name=$1
  local type=$2

  mkdir {configs,resources,stacks}
  mkdir resources/{int,test,live}
  mkdir stacks/$component_name

  touch configs/$component_name.yaml.erb \
        resources/{int,test,live}/$component_name.yaml \

setup foobar yaml
setup bazqux json

File structure explained

The file structure required by the BBC Cosmos CLI Tool can be confusing so let’s break it down into sections so we can better understand the purpose of each directory:


The files in this folder let you define custom configuration that will be baked into your EC2 instances.

You need to use the bbc-cosmos-tools config push command to upload the updated configuration data (run the help command bbc-cosmos-tools help config push to see more options and details).

The content of this folder is usually:

  • app.yaml (defaults)
  • {component}.yaml.erb (custom)

So the contents of app.yaml can look like the following:

    api: ''
    config_endpoint: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/configuration'
    stack_create_endpoint: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/stacks/create'
    stack_update_endpoint: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/stack/%s/update'
    deployments: '/cosmos/deployments/component/%s/env/%s'
    release: '/cosmos/component/%s/releases'
    deploy: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/deploy_release'
    snapshot_deploy: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/deploy_snapshot'
    stack_events: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/stack/%s/events'
    stacks: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/stacks'
    stack_delete: '/cosmos/env/%s/component/%s/stack/%s/delete'

Where as the contents of {component}.yaml.erb can look like the following:

    s3_bucket_id: "foo"
    s3_bucket_path: "bar"

In YAML you can get fancy and make certain properties more re-usable by using & to create an "anchor" which you can then reference with *, along with <<: to inject content. See the following file for an example (although it’s not a very good example as there would be no need to use any of those features for such a small file, but hopefully it gives you an idea on how they are used)…

base: &shared
  s3_bucket_id: "foo"
  s3_object_path: "bar"

    <<: *shared


The project config is an ERB template that is renderer into a YAML file. it gets passed all resources from the resource config that can be used in the template. Below is an example of this:

sequencer: &shared_sequencer
  sequencer_table_name: '<%= config['sequencer']['name'] %>'

storage: &shared_storage
  storage_path: '<%= config['storage']['name'] %>'

base: &shared
  <<: *shared_sequencer
  logger_path: ''
  logger_port: '12201'
  storage_path: '<% config['storage']['name]' %>
  keep_all_messages: 'true'

    <<: *shared
    some_specific_value: 'foo, bar'

The config has a number of components under a project, and the shared key allows you to have shared config for the components. The config is built up from the shared data with the component config merged in afterwards.

Application config

There's also an application config that stores data used by the app, at the moment this is only the API endpoints.

    api: ""
    create_endpoint: "/some/restful/endpoint"
    update_endpoint: "/some/restful/endpoint"


The resources directory is used to provide custom values to the Parameters defined within your stacks (see the Stacks directory below). There is usually three folders inside this directory that reflect the Cosmos environments:

  • int
  • test
  • live

Each of those folders will have a {component}.yaml file where you define the values for your Parameters (if you were using AWS directly, rather than via the Cosmos abstraction layer, then this is typically where you would specify the custom values either using the AWS CLI tool or by entering the values into form fields when using the AWS Console GUI).

The format of this file looks something like the following:

              {parameter_a}: value
              {parameter_b}: value
              {parameter_c}: value


The project resources yaml file is used to describe the resources used within the project. The reason for having a single file is that you can define resources that are used in the cloudformation templates and config, so when for example an ARN changes this will be picked up across the CF templates and the config.

The file is spilt up into two section:

  • The standard resource list, this is generally the ARNS for all the resources your component uses.
  • Cloudformation parameters (These are usually referenced from the aforementioned)

Below is an annotated example of a resource config:

    name: 'example_name'
    arn: 'example_arn'

        name: &roles_broker_name 'some_iam_role_name'

    shared: &component_shared #<- This node is ignored, it's used as a base for other config templates
        ACFParameter: 'Value'
        AnotherCFParameter: 'Another value'

        'my-example-component': #<- The name of the component in cosmos
            main: <- This is the name of the stack in cosmos
                variants: <- This is so you can have a different variant of the same config, i.e for int/test one for durning the day and one for evening/weekends.
                    default: &my-example-component_default #<- We set this anchor so we can use this defaults in other variants
                        <<: *component_shared #<- We import the shared component params into these so we're not duplicating
                        ARoleParamForDefault: *roles_broker_name #<- We use the anchor for the roles set above to add them here, again stopping repitition
                        <<: *my-example-component_default
                        MinSize: 0
                        MaxSize: 0


The stacks directory is the most important part of the configuration as it defines your infrastructure requirements (i.e. creates all the specified AWS resources as you’ve defined them using CloudFormation).

The folder structure resembles the following:

├── stacks
    └── {component}
        └── {stack}
            ├── aws
            │   ├── {resource}
            │   │   ├── {type}

An example of this could be:

├── stacks
    └── responsive-jmeter
        └── main
            ├── aws
            │   ├── sqs
            │   │   ├── policy.rb
            │   │   ├── queue.rb
            │   ├── iam
            │   │   ├── instance_profile.rb

Note: when opening up the files policy.rb and queue.rb we’ll see the Type syntax and that should correspond to the folder structure described above. So aws/sqs/policy.rb will have a Type "AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy”, and aws/iam/instance_profile.rb will have a Type "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile”

Example commands

When you want to push up some new configuration into your instance (for your application to use) then the following command is what you need (this isn't done very often):

bbc-cosmos-tools config push {cosmos_component_name} \
  --project={resources yaml filename} \

To update your stack:

bbc-cosmos-tools stack update {cosmos_component_name} \
  --project={resources yaml filename} \

To generate CloudFormation that is sent to stdout:

bbc-cosmos-tools stack generate {cosmos_component_name} \
  --project={resources yaml filename} \

Note: in case you're not a CLI wizard, instead of specifying the --key-path option you can set a $DEV_CERT_PATH environment variable that the tool uses by default if it detects it. Inside your shell's configuration file (either ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) you'll want to add export DEV_CERT_PATH=/custom/path/to/your/pem/certificate

Using YAML or JSON

Use the same commands as above but make sure to include a --type={yaml|json}. If it's not specified then cfndsl is assumed as the default (almost as if you had written --type=cfndsl, but it's clearer to just remove the flag in that instance).

Example repositories

There are a few example projects using this tool now:

Note: it's important to realise that you don't need to have your configuration in a separate repository. If anything it probably would be better maintained as part of your application repository (placed inside a /config/ directory)

The reason some of the projects choose to locate their configuration in a separate repo is because they're made up of a number of different components.

API reference

The gem is a cli application, and so the commands are self documenting; but below is a list of the commands for each set of sub commands

Cosmos Config

bbc-cosmos-tools config generate
bbc-cosmos-tools config push
bbc-cosmos-tools config list


bbc-cosmos-tools cf generate
bbc-cosmos-tools cf create
bbc-cosmos-tools cf update


You can use the built-in help command to see a list of parameters and options that need to be passed into the command you wish to execute. For example, if we were unsure of the options for the stack command then we would execute bbc-cosmos-tools help stack and this would display the following output:

  bbc-cosmos-tools stack help [COMMAND]                          # Describe subcommands or one specific subco...
  bbc-cosmos-tools stack create [COMPONENT, MAIN_STACK = true]  # Generates and create the cloudformation te...
  bbc-cosmos-tools stack delete [COMPONENT]                      # Deletes a stack
  bbc-cosmos-tools stack events [COMPONENT = nil]                # Shows the stack events for a component
  bbc-cosmos-tools stack generate [COMPONENT]                    # Generates a cloudformation template based ...
  bbc-cosmos-tools stack list [COMPONENT = nil]                  # Lists stacks for a component
  bbc-cosmos-tools stack update [COMPONENT = nil]                # Generates and updates the cloudformation t...


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