
Configurable dashboard for batsd-server.



To install batsd-dash, simply install the gem

gem install batsd-dash


Here is a sample rackup file (

require 'batsd-dash'

# set batsd server setting BatsdDash::ConnectionPool.settings = { host:'localhost', port: 8127, pool_size: 4 }

# run the app run BatsdDash::App

Rack is very powerful. You can password protect your batsd-dash instance by using Rack::Auth::Basic or Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5.


Data API

The application provides a simple JSON-based API for accessing data from the batds data server. There are 3 main routes provide, one for each datatype. These routes are /counters, /timers and /gauges. For example, the following request would access data for counter based metric:


It's possible to access data for more than one metric within a single request. For example, the following request route will return data for both the a.b metric and the c.d metric:


The data API also accepts a start and stop unix timestamp parameter for accessing different ranges of data.

Note that, the data API will only respond with JSON if the Accept header to set to application/json!

Viewing Graphs

Graphs are rendered using Flot, a JavaScript library which uses the canvas element to create graphs. Since rendering is all done on the client, we make use of hash based navigation in order to reduce the amount of requests and while maintaining 'linkability'.

For example, to view a graph for the a.b metric, you would make the following request from your browser:


The graph view will provide you with a date time picker to make selecting different start and stop time ranges easier. Graphs are updated when you press the 'View' button.

Much like the data API, it's possible to view more than one metric at the same time. To do this, visit the following route from your browser:


TODO when no data or only a single point is available, the graph is a little strange looking. This is something we will improve upon. Additionally, we also plan to add some sort of tree-based widget for selecting different metrics to view.

Feel free to submit pull requests with these features!


TODO add details about zerofill.

TODO Setup client to accept pass along no-zerofill options.


Asset Management

We use Sass for CSS within this project. If you make any changes to the Sass files, ensure you recompile the CSS. This is done by running:

compass compile --force --output-style compact --environment production --sass-dir lib/batsd-dash/sass --css-dir lib/public/css

Additionally, it is highly recommended you use thin for development since this app uses EventMachine.