Drupal Zen theme - Compass Plugin

  • Port of Version 2

  • 2009-04-24

Sass stylesheets created by Benjamin Doherty (bangpound). See Drupal.org for more info about Zen theme: <drupal.org/project/zen>

Compass plugins can require libraries and provide frameworks. Multiple libraries may be included in this project for each version of Zen theme, and each of these libraries provides the zen subtheme framework.

This plugin adds the Drupal Zen theme STARTERKIT to [Compass](compass-style.org/).


sudo gem install chriseppstein-compass
sudo gem install (what?)

Create a Drupal Zen theme Compass Project

compass -r d6_zen2 -f zen <project name> --css-dir .

Use of the ‘–css-dir .` puts the compiled stylesheets into the theme folder where the theme .info file tells Drupal they should be.

To recompile your Drupal Zen theme stylesheets from src

compass -r d6_zen2

Run that command from your theme folder.