Getting Started with bandwidth

Bandwidth's set of APIs

Install the Package

Install the gem from the command line:

gem install bandwidth-sdk -v 2.1.0

Or add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle:

gem 'bandwidth-sdk', '2.1.0'

For additional gem details, see the RubyGems page for the bandwidth-sdk gem.

Initialize the API Client

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client.

Parameter Type Description
messaging_basic_auth_user_name String The username to use with basic authentication
messaging_basic_auth_password String The password to use with basic authentication
voice_basic_auth_user_name String The username to use with basic authentication
voice_basic_auth_password String The password to use with basic authentication
environment Environment The API environment.
Default: Environment.PRODUCTION
timeout Float The value to use for connection timeout.
Default: 60
max_retries Integer The number of times to retry an endpoint call if it fails.
Default: 0
retry_interval Float Pause in seconds between retries.
Default: 1
backoff_factor Float The amount to multiply each successive retry's interval amount by in order to provide backoff.
Default: 1

The API client can be initialized as following.

client =
  messaging_basic_auth_user_name: 'MessagingBasicAuthUserName',
  messaging_basic_auth_password: 'MessagingBasicAuthPassword',
  voice_basic_auth_user_name: 'VoiceBasicAuthUserName',
  voice_basic_auth_password: 'VoiceBasicAuthPassword',
  environment: Environment::PRODUCTION,

API calls return an ApiResponse object that includes the following fields:

Field Description
status_code Status code of the HTTP response
reason_phrase Reason phrase of the HTTP response
headers Headers of the HTTP response as a Hash
raw_body The body of the HTTP response as a String
request HTTP request info
errors Errors, if they exist
data The deserialized body of the HTTP response


This API does not require authentication.

API Reference

List of APIs
