
Need to tweet periodically and in an automated fashion? Then Twuckoo is for you. Still not convinced? :) Read on.


Twuckoo fulfills the task of periodically fetching a message and tweeting it (Twuckoo = Twitter + Cuckoo). Since we all prefer code to words, I'll show you its main loop:

def run
  loop do
    tweeted = tweet
    quit if tweeted.nil?

It is very simple in its design but opens vast possibilities due to its modular approach.

A simple API

Twuckoo takes a modular approach. It defines a very simple API and expects modules to implement these API methods. The methods are:

* load_tweets

Loads the possible tweets that twuckoo will use when selecting the next one. This could be reading all lines from a file, for example.

* next

Fetches the next message to be tweeted. Usually the bulk of the "business logic" is implemented here. This could be scraping a web page and extracting a specific snippet of html.

* store(tweet)

Hands the last tweeted message to be stored. In the case of the one_line_from_file module, this stores the tweet in a file so that no message is used multiple times.

Twuckoo needs to be passed the name of the module to be used. At the moment there are two provided modules:

  • one_line_from_file

Loads all the lines from a file (lines.txt) and tweets one line randomly each time.

  • wikipedia_tfa

Scraps Wikipedia's main page and extracts the name and link of Today's Featured Article. This is not as general a module as one_line_from_file. I am thinking about how to best make a "web" module out of this.


gem install balinterdi-twuckoo --source

Twuckoo depends on twibot which will also get installed with the above command.

In order for twibot to be able to connect to your twitter account, a config/bot.yml file need to be present at where you launch twuckoo from. It has to contain the following lines at least:

login: my_login
password: my_password

For more options, see twibot's README


Currently the only thing you can set is the time to wait between tweets. By default, it is "1d", so the script will "relax" for 24 hours after tweeting. If you wish to change this value, just place the following in a config/cuckoo.yml:

time_to_sleep: 1h

The value should be given in a human-comprehensible form. You can use any combination of weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds, so 1w3d13h27m19s will work, too, although you probably do not want to be this precise :)


You have to indicate the module you wish to use:

$ twuckoo file

Will make use of the one_line_from_file module. There has to be a lines.txt file in the directory where you run twuckoo from that contains the possible tweets, one tweet per line. The tweeted lines will be stored in a file called used_lines.txt so you should have write permission to the directory.


$ twuckoo wikipedia_tfa

(see above)

Examples out there

In the course of the development of this gem I "ate my own dogfood" so you'll find one twitter account for each of the modules:

Serves you an Oblique Strategy per day.

An interesting article from the English Wikipedia delivered right to your twitter feed.

If you set up something with twuckoo, I would like to know about it, so that I might include it here.

Credits & License

You can go ahead and play with the software as well as modify it, release it under another name, charge for someone that uses your service, etc. A link back to this page would be appreciated if you release something based on it.

Any feedback (especially bug reports!) is highly appreciated, so please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Original idea and development: Balint Erdi