
A simple way to run chef recipes on one server.


gem install baker --source --no-ri --no-rdoc # sudo if you need to


You need to set up sshkeys on the server so you can ssh into the box without passwords.

On the server:

You'll need to make sure to have chef installed.

On the client:

First you need to be in a cookbooks project. Here's an example of a mininum cookbooks project:

├── config │ └── baker │ ├── node.json │ └── solo.rb └── cookbooks ├── example_recipe1 │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── example_recipe2 └── recipes └── default.rb

config/baker/node.json and config/baker/solo.rb are important. These are the configurations that get passed to the chef run that will tell it which recipes to run.

You need configure solo.rb to have this:

solo.rb: file_cache_path "/tmp/baker" cookbook_path "/tmp/baker/recipes/cookbooks"

node.json will determine what recipes you'll run:



Once all that is set up, you can run baker and that will upload the recipes to the server and run them. Errors are logged to /var/log/baker-chef-server.log and /var/log/baker-chef-client.log.

bake <server>