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Dump and load current ActiveRecord database to and from a file.


# Dump
Backhoe.dump "data.sql" # dumps db to db/data.sql
Backhoe.dump "data.sql.gz" # => can also dump a gzipped sql file
Backhoe.dump "data.sql", skip_tables: [:comments], skip_columns: { users: [:password] } # can skip whole tables or just specific columns

# Load
Backhoe.load "data.sql" # loads db from db/data.sql
Backhoe.load "data.sql.gz" # => can also load a gzipped sql file
Backhoe.load "data.sql", drop_and_create: true # injects DROP and CREATE statements into the SQL invocation

# Backup db to S3
Backhoe.backup "bucket-name/folder" # => dumps db to e.g. s3://bucket-name/folder/2023-04-09T16:41:26Z.sql.gz via AWS CLI, assuming that credentials are already configured.
Backhoe.backup "bucket-name/folder", access_key: "abc123", secret_key: "def456" # => manually specify AWS creds


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.