Bundesagentur fuer Arbeit upload

Gem Version

This is a Ruby Gem that aids to simplify interaction with the API of the Arbeitsagentur of Germany.

Since early 2016 Arbeitsagentur switched to a HTTPS client certificate (hrbaxml.arbeitsagentur.de) instead their beloved FTP upload tool. The OpenSSL library helps to convert that cert to a format Mechanize/curl can understand.


Needs Ruby > 2.1 with OpenSSL.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ba_upload'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ba_upload


require 'ba_upload'

# your supplied certificate and passphrase
connection = BaUpload.open_connection(file_path: 'config/Zertifikat-1XXXX.p12', passphrase: 'YOURPASSPHRASE')

# Upload a xml-file
connection.upload(file: File.open('/opt/vam-transfer/data/DSP000132700_2016-08-08_05-00-09.xml'))

# later cronjob to download all error files

connection.error_files.each do |error_file|
  target_path = "/opt/vam-transfer/data/#{error_file.filename}"
  next if File.exists?(target_path)
  tf = error_file.tempfile
  FileUtils.cp(tf.path, target_path)

Usage from outside Ruby (e.g. Cronjob/script):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'ba_upload'
connection = BaUpload.open_connection(file_path: 'config/Zertifikat-1XXXX.p12', passphrase: 'YOURPASSPHRASE')
connection.upload(file: File.open(ARGV[0]))

Save to a file and just run it with the xml file as argument

Downloading "misc" files

BA provides a often updated Position description databae ("VAM" Berufe). The Gem can help to download it:

connection.misc.each do |link|
  target = "vendor/ba/#{link.href}"
  next if File.exist?(target)
  response = link.click
  File.open(target, "wb+") { |f| f.write(response.body) }

Usage with multiple client certificats

Since September 2022, users with multiple client certificats issued to the same email address need to provide their respective partner ID when using the API. For user with only one certificat issued to their email address, providing the partner ID is optional.

The partner ID can be provided as an optional keyword argument to the upload, error_files and misc methods:

require 'ba_upload'
connection = BaUpload.open_connection(file_path: 'config/Zertifikat-1XXXX.p12', passphrase: 'YOURPASSPHRASE')

connection.upload(file: 'your_file_path', partner_id: 'P000XXXXXX')
connection.error_files(partner_id: 'P000XXXXXX')
connection.misc(partner_id: 'P000XXXXXX')


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.