Module: AyeCommander::Command::ClassMethods


Class Methods that define the functionality of a command. The most complex functionality is in fact contained at class level since I wanted to preserve the commands as clean as possible to avoid name clashes within the instance.

Constant Summary

Constants included from Limitable::ClassMethods


Constants included from Hookable::ClassMethods


Method Summary

Methods included from Status::ClassMethods

#succeeds, #succeeds_with

Methods included from Shareable::ClassMethods

#included, #inherited

Methods included from Resultable::ClassMethods

#new_result, #result, #result_class

Methods included from Limitable::ClassMethods

#limiters, #readers, #uses, #validate_arguments, #validate_received_arguments, #validate_received_arguments?, #validate_required_arguments, #validate_required_arguments?

Methods included from Ivar::ClassMethods

#define_missing_reader, #to_ivar, #to_nvar

Methods included from AyeCommander::Callable::ClassMethods


Methods included from Abortable::ClassMethods
