AxlsxRad - Rapid XLSX Writer for Customized Spreadsheets


AxlsxRad provides a rapid capability to generate styled spreadsheets of JSON objects to enable the creation of reports with both per-row and per-cell highlighting.

This is accomplished by leveraging JsonDoc's encapsulation of JSON objects with easy retrieval of property names and values as arrays that are used by AxlsxRad to populate XLSX spreadsheets. This is done by simply providing an array of JSON property keys and then adding JsonDoc objects to the worksheet.

Axlsx additionally supports rapid styling of spreadsheets by accepting a set of styles and rules for applying those styles to each row. Both a header row and data rows can be styled with both default background styles for the entire row and custom styles on a per cell basis. Per-cell styles are assigned by JsonDoc property key so there is no need to create arrays of styles per row and to remember which column is located in which array index - it is all done automatically.

Customization consists of:

  • a list of JSON property keys that are used as columns
  • a dictionary of styles by style key
  • overridable header and row methods tto provide custom styling rules

Finally, Axlsx provides full access to the Axlsx package, workbook and worksheet objects so fast customization can be supported in addition to standard access.


Download and install axlsx_rad with the following:

gem install axlsx_rad


require 'axlsx_rad'

# Create an AxlsxRad::Config object, often per-worksheet
# Define worksheet columns. These keys should exist in JsonDoc
# object / subclass properties.
columns = [ :first_name, :last_name, :email_address, :github_username ]

# Define styles
styles     =  {
  :blue    => { :bg_color => '00CCFF' },
  :green   => { :bg_color => '00FF99' },
  :ltgreen => { :bg_color => '99FF99' },
  :yellow  => { :bg_color => 'FFFF99' },
  :orange  => { :bg_color => 'FFCC66' },
  :white   => { :bg_color => 'FFFFFF' },
  :head    => { :bg_color => '00FFFF', :b => true}

# Subclass AxlsxRad::Config object. This object has attributes: oColumns
# and dStylesCfg. It doesn't matter how they are set but they should be
# set before instantiating a AxlsxRad::Worksheet object. Additionally,
# the #getStylesForHeader() and #getStylesForDocument( document ) methods
# should be overridden to return a style hash as shown below:
# The contract contains: @aColumns, @dStylesCfg, #getStylesForHeader, and
# #getStylesForDocument( JsonDoc::Document ).
# The style names used in the reponse hash should correspond to the style
# keys used in the styles configuration hash above.

class MyWorksheetConfig < AxlsxRad::Config
  def initialize(columns=[],styles={})
    @aColumns   = columns
    @dStylesCfg = styles
  def getStylesForHeader()
    return { :bgstyle => :head }
  def getStylesForDocument( oDocument=nil )
    dStyles = { :bgstyle => :white, :properties => {} }
    if oDocument.getProp(:github_username)
      dStyles[:bgstyle] = :green
      dstyles[:properties][:github_username] = :yellow
    elsif oDocument.getProp(:email_address)
      dStyles[:bgstyle] = :blue
      dstyles[:properties][:email_address] = :yellow
    return dStyles

# Instantiate a config object
config    = columns, styles )

# Instantiate a workbook
workbook  =

# Instantiate a worksheet with name and config
worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet( "Users", config )

# Add documents where user is a JsonDoc::Document subclass
# with properties matching those tested against in Axlsx::Config
# subclass.

users.each do |user|
  worksheet.addDocument( user )

# Write XLSX spreadsheet


This gem is 100% documented with YARD, an exceptional documentation library. To see documentation for this, and all the gems installed on your system use:

$ gem install yard
$ yard server -g

Change Log

  • 2014-03-20: 0.0.1
    • Initial release




Copyright and License

AxlsxRad © 2014 by John Wang.

AxlsxRad is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE document for more information.


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.