AxML is a notation for Nokogiri XML documents inspired by SXML.


A document is represented by an array, possibly nested. The first element of each array must be a symbol indicating the node name. Further elements may either be strings or numbers which are treated as the node's content, hashes representing this node's attributes or further arrays which are then made into child nodes by the same rules.

The syntax can be described by the following rammar:

node       ::= [node-name, (node | attributes | content) ...]
node-name  ::= Symbol
attributes ::= Hash
content    ::= String | Fixnum | Float


AxML.transform([:ul, { :class => 'menu' },
                [:li, [:a, { :href => '/foo' }, 'foo']],
                [:li, [:a, { :href => '/bar' }, 'bar']]]).to_s


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ul class="menu">
<a href="/foo">foo</a>
<a href="/bar">bar</a>

Copyright (c) 2010 Moritz Heidkamp. See LICENSE for details.