AWS Metadata

AWS::Metadata has 2 components to it. AWS::Instance and AWS::StackOutput

This first, AWS::Instance, is mostly identical to and exposes the instance metadata information through a Ruby API.

The second, AWS::StackOutput, gives you access to the Cloud Formation Outputs you define in your CFN template given a template name.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'aws_metadata'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install aws_metadata

Usage for AWS::Instance

puts AWS::Instance..instance_id
puts AWS::Instance.dynamic.instance_identity.document.
puts AWS::Instance.user_data

AWS::Instance is lazy loaded and only makes calls to for the paths requested. In other words, the entire object hierarchy is not built at once, thereby reducing the total number of HTTP requests and reducing the chance of being throttled by AWS.

You can alternatively pass the relative endpoint to metadata and dynamic

puts AWS::Instance.metadata(path: 'instance-id')
puts AWS::Instance.dynamic( path: ('instance-identity/document').account_id

This has the added benefit of reducing the number of HTTP calls even further if needed/desired. For instance AWS::Instance.metadata.instance_id will make 2 calls, 1 for /meta-data and another for meta-data/instance-id, where AWS::Instance.metadata(path: 'instance-id') will only make a single call to /meta-data/instance-id.

All calls are cached.

Calls are retried upto 10 times in 1 second intervals if a 200 response is not received.

To return stubbed responses, you can add this to an initializer:

AWS::Metadata.configure do |config|
  config.stub_responses = Rails.env =~ /development|test/


AWS::Metadata.stub_responses = Rails.env =~ /development|test/

This will prevent HTTP calls to and return canned results.

If you have stub_responses set to true, you can create a aws_identity_stubs.yml file with the data you want returned. By default, the gem will look for aws_identity_stubs.yml in the config directory of a Rails app.
If you don't setup your own aws_identity_stubs.yml, then the gem will use it's own found in test/fixtures/aws_identity_stubs.yml. You can also use this file as a template for creating your own with custom data. If you are not using this gem in a Rails app, then you need to specify the path in the initializer.

AWS::Metadata.configure do |config|
  config.stub_responses = Rails.env =~ /development|test/
  config.aws_identity_stubs_path = 'path/to/aws_identity_stubs.yml'


AWS::Metadata.stub_responses = Rails.env =~ /development|test/
AWS::Metadata.aws_identity_stubs_path = 'path/to/aws_identity_stubs.yml'

When stubbing responses, both AWS::Instance and AWS::StackOutput will be stubbed.

Usage for AWS::StackOutput

You must first configure the gem in an initializer.

AWS::Metadata.configure do |config|
  config.cfn_stack_name = 'your_cfn_stack_name' # As identified by the Stack Name column in the CloudFormation Section of the AWS console.


AWS::Metadata.cfn_stack_name = 'your_cfn_stack_name'

Methods are dynamically generated from the Outputs that have been defined for the configured cfn_stack_name. So if you have an output key of S3BucketName defined, you can get the value with

puts AWS::StackOutput.s3_bucket_name

If you have stub_responses set to true, you will have to create a cfn_dev_output.yml file with the keys you have defined as Outputs for your Cloud Formation stack. For example, to stub the response of a stack that has a key of S3BucketName, create a cfn_dev_output.yml file with the contents of:

S3BucketName: my_unique_bucket_for_this_stack

By default, the gem will look for cfn_dev_output.yml in the config directory of a Rails app. If you are not using this gem in a Rails app, then you need to specify the path in the initializer.

AWS::Metadata.configure do |config|
  config.cfn_stack_name = 'your_cfn_stack_name' # As identified by the Stack Name column in the CloudFormation Section of the AWS console.
  config.stub_responses = Rails.env =~ /development|test/
  config.cfn_dev_outputs_path = 'path/to/cfn_dev_output.yml'


AWS::Metadata.cfn_stack_name = 'your_cfn_stack_name'
AWS::Metadata.stub_responses = Rails.env =~ /development|test/
AWS::Metadata.cfn_dev_outputs_path = 'path/to/cfn_dev_output.yml'

The application user's role will need to be authorized to perform: cloudformation:DescribeStacks.

If the AWS::StackOutput object is not needed, then you can disable it.

AWS::Metadata.configure do |config|
  config.disable_cfn_stack_output = true

Differences between AWS::InstMD and AWS::Instance

The code for AWS::Instance is mostly a copy directly from the aws_instmd repo. The only differences between AWS::Instance and AWS::InstMD are:

  1. The class name. We removed the MD(metadata) from the name since this gem also has the StackOutput namespace and it's all really metadata.
  2. AWS::InstMD.meta_data to AWS::Instance.metadata. We changed meta_data to metadata to be consistent with the naming in our SDK and APIs.
  3. The AWS::Instance.dynamic.instance_identity.document returns a Hashish object you can call methods on, rather than a JSON document that has to be parsed manually into a hash. So AWS::Instance.dynamic.instance_identity.document.account_id just works.
  4. We added the ability to have stubbed responses returned. See the usage section above.


Ruby >= 2.0 aws-sdk gem


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/aws_metadata. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Thanks to for their aws_instmd gem.