aws-must - Minimum Viable Solution to Manage CloudFormation Templates - $Release:0.0.14$

aws-must is a tool, which allows separating infrastructure configuration and Amazon related syntax in CloudFormation JSON templates using YAML and Mustache templates.

See blog posts 1, 2, and 3 for background information on this tool.

See also aws-must-templates for set of templates to generate CloudFormation JSON from YAML configuration.

The Problem

Amazon CloudFormation gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources. It uses JSON -formatted templates for defining services to be managed together as a "stack".

However, the CF -templates soon become quite convoluted as the complexity of the infrastructure stack increases. In addition, the JSON format adds more to the management difficulties:

  1. each stack is represented as a monolithic JSON document.

  2. templates mix infrastructure specific configuration with the syntax stipulated by Amazon CloudFormation Template Reference

  3. the JSON format doesn't support expressing references, and CloudFormation needs to use a special syntax to define relations across template elements.

  4. the JSON format doesn't support comments, which could be used to add documentation into the templates.

  5. JSON documents repeat similar sections as resource instances are defined individually as sub-documents.

  6. JSON adds it own markup overhead to the configuration.

The solution

aws-tool helps mitigating the problems presented in the chapter above. With the tool users may

  1. split stack configuration first in half, using YAML/mustache templates, and then further down using Mustache partials

  2. separate infrastructure specific configuration from syntax stipulated by Amazon CloudFormation Template Reference using YAML and Mustache templates.

  3. use YAML anchors to express dependencies between infrastructure elements.

  4. add comments in YAML and Mustache templates. The tool supports a simple tag syntax (++start++ ++close++ -tags) allowing documentation to be extracted directly from template files.

  5. use Mustache partials to get rid of repeating similar sections in JSON configuration.

  6. concentrate on configurations expressed in YAML (with minimal markdown).


Add following lines to Gemfile

source ''
gem 'aws-must'

and run

bundle install

Notice: requires Ruby version ~> 2.0.


CLI Usage

To get help

aws-must.rb help

To create CloudFormation JSON template for yaml_file using default template ./mustache/root.mustache issue the command

aws-must.rb gen yaml_file

The location where to search Mustache templates can be set with -m option.The option accepts list of directory paths (ending with / character) or Gem names. For example, to override templates in Gem aws-must-templates with templates in directory mydir use the command

aws-must.rb gen yaml_file -m mydir/ aws-must-templates

A version constraint for the Gem can be specified followed by a comma -character. For example, to use version specification ~>0.0.1, issue the command

aws-must.rb gen yaml_file -m 'aws-must-templates,~>0.0.1'

To extract documentation for the templates

aws-must.rb doc 

The doc -command supports also -m option.

Documentation is extracted from lines surrounded by +++start+++ and +++close+++ tags, or by +++fold-on+++ and +++fold-off+++ tags. Examples documents for demo:html-7, demo:html-6, demo:html-5, demo:html-4, and demo:html-3. To see more information on how documentation is generated, issue the the command

aws-must.rb help doc 

To dump YAML yaml_file in JSON format

aws-must.rb json yaml_file

Demo Usage

Add the following lines to Rakefile

spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'aws-must'
load "#{spec.gem_dir}/lib/tasks/demo.rake"

and verify that demo namespace is added to rake tasks

rake -T demo

Demo Usage Locally

A list of demo cases is shown with the command

rake -T demo:template

To show the CloudFormation JSON rendered for a demo case i, where i ranges from 1,2,3, ..., run rake task dev:template-i. For example, for demo case 1 run

rake demo:template-1

To show the difference of running case i vs. running the previous demo case, run rake task demo:diff-i. For example, for demo case 2 run

rake demo:diff-2

NOTICE:: The jq must be installed for diff target to work.

To show html documentation extracted from demo case i, run rake task demo:html-i. For example, for demo case 3 run

rake demo:html-3

NOTICE:: Uses markdown command to convert markdown documentation into html.

NOTICE:: Default browser firefox can be changed using command line argument browser, e.g. rake demo:html-3[chromium-browser].

Use Demo to Bootstrap Own Configuration

To create a copy of templates and YAML configuration for demo case i, run rake task demo:bootstrap-i, and pass template and configuration directories as command line arguments. For example, to copy demo case 4 templates to directory tmp/tmpl, and configurations to directory tmp/conf, run

rake demo:bootstrap-4[tmp/tmpl,tmp/conf]

Demo Usage on Amazon platform

Demo stacks can be provisioned on Amazon platform.

WARNING Provisioning CloudFormation templates on Amazon will be charged according to Amazon pricing policies.


To list demo targets provisioning Amazon run

rake -T demo:stack-create

NOTICE: the region constraint in the output. Some of the templates use fixed AMI configuration, which means that they work only if aws -tool defines correct region (typically in set in ~/.aws/config file).

To create a demo stack for demo case 7 run

rake  demo:stack-create-7

To show events generated when demo stack is created run

rake  demo:stack-events

To show status of demo stack run

rake  demo:stack-status

EC2 instances created in demo cases 7,8,... accept ssh connections via port 22.

Demo target demo:stack-ssh locates an ip address from a stack output variable given as a parameter, and makes ssh connection to this ip using the ssh identity given as a parameter.

For example, to use ip address in demo stack output variable IP1, and the ssh private key in ~/.ssh/demo-key/demo-key, run

rake demo:stack-ssh[IP1,~/.ssh/demo-key/demo-key]

NOTICE: Use rake demo:stack-status to show stack output variables.

NOTICE: The identity used must correspond to an existing Amazon EC2 Key Pair with the name demo-key.

To delete demo stack

rake  demo:stack-delete


