AWS EC2 Tool

Simple tool to create AWS ec2 instances consistently with pre-configured settings. The pre-configured settings are stored in the profiles folder of the current directory. Example:

  • profiles/default.yml: default settings. If there is no other matching profile.
  • profiles/myserver.yml: myserver settings.


aws-ec2 create myserver --profile myserver

In a nutshell, the profile parameters are passed to the ruby aws-sdk AWS::EC2::Client#run_instances method. So you can specify any parameter you wish that is available there. To check out what a profile looks like look at the example default

You can use ERB in the profile files. Some useful helper methods in the profile files are:

  • user_data: a helper method that allows you to embed a generated user_data script. More details on the user_data helper are provided below.
  • config:

The template helpers defined in template_helper.rb.


By convention, the profile name matches the first parameter after the create command. So the command above could be shortened to:

aws-ec2 create myserver


You can provide user-data script to customize the server upon launch. The user-data scripts are under the app/user-data folder.

  • app/user-data/myserver.yml

The user-data script is generated on the machine that is running the aws-ec2 command. If this is your local macosx machine, then the context is your local macosx machine is available. To see the generated user-data script, you can use the aws userdata NAME. Example:

  • aws userdata myserver # shows a preview of the user-data script

To use the user-data script when creating an EC2 instance, you can use the helper method in the profile.


You can set a config file and define variables in there that are available to in your profiles and user_data scripts.

Noop mode

You can do a test run with the --noop flag. This will print out what settings will be used to launch the instance. This is a good way to inspect the generated user-data script.

aws-ec2 create myserver --profile myserver --noop

Spot Instance Support

Spot instance support natively supported by the AWS run_instances command. Simply add instance_market_options to the parameters to request for a spot instance. The available spot market options are available here:

More Help

aws-ec2 create help
aws-ec2 userdata help
aws-ec2 help # general help

Examples are in the example folder. You will have to update settings like your subnet and security group ids.


gem install aws-ec2


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