
Run automated regression and mobile tests

After completing this guide you will be able to run tests locally from command line or from an IDE


You need to have Ruby 1.8.7 installed. You can download Ruby 1.8.7 here

Additionally, you will need to install DevKit to compile a few dependent gems. You can download DevKit here


  1. In a terminal or command prompt, install the awetestlib gem

    • gem install awetestlib --no-ri --no-rdoc
  2. To setup the regression module, run the following command and verify the step

    • awetestlib regression_setup


  1. Run the following command to see the different usages

    • awetestlib
  2. To setup the awetestlib gem with Netbeans or Rubymine, run either of the commands

    • awetestlib rubymine_setup


  • awetestlib netbeans_setup

You can now start your scripts within the IDE. Use the Run Configuration button.

For additional information on IDE setup, refer to the links below:

  1. If you prefer to run your tests from command line, you can use the following command
    • awetestlib <script_file> [parameters]

For example: To run a script named demo.rb in Firefox, your command will look like.

  • awetestlib demo.rb -b FF

The full list of parameters for the command line currently are:

Usage: awetestlib <script_file> [parameters] [options]
    -b, --browser BROWSER            Specify a browser (IE, FF, S, C)
    -l, --library LIBRARY            Specify a library to be loaded
    -r, --root_path ROOT_PATH        Specify the root path
    -x, --excel EXCEL_FILE           Specify an excel file containing variables to be loaded
    -v, --version VERSION            Specify a browser version

Cucumber Support

One of the technologies that the Awetest framework supports is Cucumber. To get setup with cucumber, you can run the following command: awetestlib cucumber_setup which will create your typical cucumber folder structure.