
Provide tag-helper methods for create awesomplete elements by the same way as any other view elements.

Gem Version


Firstly install AutoAwesomplete with dependency. Then add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'auto_awesomplete_tag'

And execute:

$ bundle




Gem provide only one helper method for initialize awesomplete elements:

  • awesomplete_ajax_tag

details about realization you can find on AutoAwesomplete page.


awesomplete_ajax_tag(name, searcher, value = nil, options = {})

All allowed options for this helper can be found on AutoAwesomplete page. look at example below; this is an easy way to understand helper parameters.

Example of usage awesomplete_ajax_tag

If you define SearchAdapter named MySearchAdapterName, you can use the follow code:

= awesomplete_ajax_tag :my_awesomplete_name,
                   placeholder: 'Fill me now!',
                   search_method: :unusual_case,
                   class: 'my-awesomplete-input'

If you want lightweight selection over columns of ActiveRecord model:

= awesomplete_ajax_tag :my_awesomplete_name,
                   {class_name: :your_model_name, text_column: :name},
                   placeholder: 'Fill me now!'

In this case you get awesomplete with search by name column over model YourModelName.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request