
Gem provide API (scripts, helpers, controller and base class for ajax-search) for initialize ajax awesomplete elements.

The AutoAwesomplete based on awesomplete gem.

Gem Version



Install awesomplete and include javascript and stylesheet assets.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'auto_awesomplete'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Select one of ways to include js in pipeline. Ways described below in section Javascript include variants


Check controller and route collation. Gem contain controller AutoAwesompletesController and route

get 'auto_awesompletes/:class_name'


Prepare folder app/awesomplete_search_adapters. This folder needed for storage custom SearchAdapter.


Gem tested and works in Rails 3.2 (with manual install awesomplete assets) and Rails 4.0. You can test compatibility with other versions by yourself.

Easiest way to use

Use AutoAwesomplete2Tag. It provide helper:

  • awesomplete_ajax_tag

and you can define ajax awesomplete element like any other view elements in rails.




Javascript include variants

You have two ways to include javascript files. First: in gem presents helper method

  • ajax_awesomplete_init_script

These helpers call javascript_include_tag and it is useful for initialize awesomplete scripts on a single page. Example of usage in a view:

- ajax_awesomplete_init_script

= ajax_awesomplete_tag :my_select, my_options_for_awesomplete, class: 'small'

Second variant: include files in javascript assets. For this add the following to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

//= require auto_awesomplete/ajax

Ajax awesomplete usage

For initialize ajax awesomplete you must set auto-ajax-awesomplete css-class for input element. Then you have two ways. Easy way for simple selection: specify default_class_name, default_text_column and default_id_column as params for :data-awesomplete-href Other way for custom selection: create SearchAdapter. This adapter has following requirements:

  • class must be inherited from AutoAwesomplete::SearchAdapter::Base
  • file must be put in autoload folder (app/awesomplete_search_adapter for example)
  • name of a adapter class must end with SearchAdapter
  • must has function search_default(term, page, options) (description of the function and return value goes below)

Returned value of search_default function must return Array as json

TIP: in search_default you can use functions from AutoAwesomplete::SearchAdapter::Base

Finally input must has :data-awesomplete-href attribute. This parameter specify url for ajax load select options. You can use helper

auto_awesompletes_path(class_name: :my_class_name)


auto_awesompletes_path(default_class_name: my_class,
                           default_text_column: :name,
                           default_id_column: :id)

Example of minimalistic SearchAdapter

class SystemRoleSearchAdapter < AutoAwesomplete::SearchAdapter::Base
  class << self
    def search_default(term, page, options)
      roles = default_finder(SystemRole, term, page: page).pluck(:name)

More about SearchAdapter

SearchAdapter has some additional functions. First, you can define multiple search functions in one adapter. For example in adapter for User you want to find among all users, find users only in one department and so on. For this purpose define methods like

def search_unusual_case(term, page, options)
  # must has same behavior as search_default

near the search_default in SearchAdapter. Requirement for non-default search methods:

  • it must has same behavior as search_default
  • name of methods must start with search_

For use custom searcher specify it into :data-awesomplete-href attribute:

auto_awesompletes_path(class_name: MyClassName, search_method: :unusual_case)


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