
SUPER BETA VERSION. Stabler release coming soon.


No time for reading! Reading is for chumps! Here's the skinny:

  • Install in your Rails project
  • Put this in your controllers: check_authorization_on ModelName
  • Put this in your models: include Authority::Abilities
  • For each model you have, create a corresponding Authorization file. For example, for app/models/lolcat.rb, create app/authorizations/lolcat_authorization.rb with an empty class inheriting from Authorization.
  • Add class methods to that authorization to set rules that can be enforced just by looking at the resource class, like "this user cannot create Lolcats, period."
  • Add instance methods to that authorization to set rules that need to look at a resource instance, like "a user can only edit a Lolcat if it belongs to that user and has not been marked as 'classic'".


Still here? Reading is fun! You always knew that. Time for a deeper look at things.

Authority gives you a clean and easy way to say, in your Rails app, who is allowed to do what with your models.

It assumes that you already have some kind of user object in your application.

The goals of Authority are:

  • To allow broad, class-level rules. Examples:

    • "Basic users cannot delete any Widget."
    • "Only admin users can create Offices."
  • To allow fine-grained, instance-level rules. Examples:

    • "Management users can only edit schedules in their jurisdiction."
    • "Users can't create playlists more than 20 songs long unless they've paid."
  • To provide a clear syntax for permissions-based views. Example:

    • link_to 'Edit Widget', edit_widget_path(@widget) if current_user.can_edit?(@widget)
  • To gracefully handle any access violations: display a "you can't do that" screen and log the violation.

  • To do all of this without cluttering either your controllers or your models. This is done by letting Authorizer classes do most of the work. More on that below.

The flow of Authority

In broad terms, the authorization process flows like this:

  • A request comes to a model, either the class or an instance, saying "can this user do this action to you?"
  • The model passes that question to its Authorizer
  • The Authorizer checks whatever user properties and business rules are relevant to answer that question.
  • The answer is passed back up to the model, then back to the original caller


First, check in whatever changes you've made to your app already. You want to see what we're doing to your app, don't you?

Now, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'authority'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install authority

Then run the generator:

$ rails g authority:install

Hooray! New files! Go look at them.



Your user model (whatever you call it) should include Authority::UserAbilities. This defines methods like can_edit?(resource), which are just nice shortcuts for resource.editable_by?(user).


In your models, simply include Authority::Abilities. This sets up both class-level and instance-level methods like creatable_by?(user), etc, all of which delegate to the model's corresponding authorizer. For example, the Rabbit model would delegate to RabbitAuthorizer.


Basic Usage

In your controllers, add this method call:

check_authorization_on ModelName

That sets up a :before_filter that calls your class-level methods before each action. For instance, before running the update action, it will check whether ModelName is updatable_by? the current user at a class level. A return value of false means "this user can never update models of this class."

If that's all you need, one line does it.

In-action usage

If you need to check some attributes of a model instance to decide if an action is permissible, you can use check_authorization_for(:action, @model_instance, @user)


Authorizers should be added under app/authorizers, one for each of your models. Each authorizer should correspond to a single model. So if you have app/models/laser_cannon.rb, you should have, at minimum:

# app/authorizers/laser_cannon_authorizer.rb
class LaserCannonAuthorizer < Authority::Authorizer

These are where your actual authorization logic goes. You do have to specify your own business rules, but Authority comes with the following baked in:

  • All instance-level methods defined on Authority::Authorizer call their corresponding class-level method by default. In other words, if you haven't said whether a user can update this particular widget, we'll decide by checking whether they can update any widget.
  • All class-level methods defined on Authority::Authorizer will use the default_strategy you define in your configuration.
  • The default default strategy simply returns false; you must override it in your configuration and/or write methods on your individual Authorizer classes to grant permissions. This whitelisting approach will keep you from accidentally allowing things you didn't intend.

This combination means that, with this code:

# app/authorizers/laser_cannon_authorizer.rb
class LaserCannonAuthorizer < Authority::Authorizer

... you can already do the following:

current_user.can_create?(LaserCannon)    # false; all inherited class-level permissions are false
current_user.can_create?(@laser_cannon)  # false; instance-level permissions check class-level ones by default

If you update your authorizer as follows:

# app/authorizers/laser_cannon_authorizer.rb
class LaserCannonAuthorizer < Authority::Authorizer

  def self.creatable_by?(user) # class-level permission

  def deletable_by?(user)      # instance_level permission
    user.first_name == 'Larry' &&


... you can now do this following:

current_user.can_create?(LaserCannon)    # true, per class method above
current_user.can_create?(@laser_cannon)  # true; inherited instance method calls class method
current_user.can_delete?(@laser_cannon)  # Only Larry, and only on Fridays

Integration Notes

  • If you want to have nice log messages for security violations, you should ensure that your user object has a to_s method; this will control how it shows up in log messages saying things like "Harvey Johnson is not allowed to delete this resource:..."


  • Document syntax for checking rules during a controller action
  • Rename Authorization to Authorizer
  • Update generator to create an authorizer for every model
  • Generator
    • Add generators or hook into existing rails generators
    • Add generator to installation instructions
    • Generate well-commented default configuration file like Devise does (shout out!)
    • Generate 403.html, with option to skip if exists
  • Note that you MUST call configure; internals aren't included until you do.
  • Write about configuration file and options in Configuration section.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. bundle install to get all dependencies
  4. rspec spec to run all tests.
  5. Make your changes and update/add tests as necessary.
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create new Pull Request