
'Audio' is a cross-platform audio device interface that allows you to read and write audio streams from the comfort and safety of Ruby.

Cross-Platform Status

Currently, only support for OS X has been implemented. Support for Windows and Linux will be added in the future. If you feel like working on either of those, I'm more than happy to take Pull Requests!


Listing Available Audio Devices

The Audio module provides a method that retrieves a list of all of the audio devices available on your system.

require 'audio'

devices = Audio.devices     # => An Array of Device objects

Each Device object has attributes that wrap the various properties provided by the host operating system. For example, to get a list of device names...

Audio.devices.each do |device|
    puts "Device Name: #{device.device_name}"

Running that on a MacBook Pro (late 2013), with a single external microphone connected, produces...

Device Name: Built-in Microphone
Device Name: Built-in Output
Device Name: Blue Snowball

Recording Audio

You can record audio from a particular device by calling its start method. Once started, the device will continue recording until its stop method is called. If you provide a block parameter to start, it will be called whenever the host OS provides a new buffer of audio samples.

device = Audio.devices.last     # Hopefully that's an input device
device.start do |*args|
    # Do something fancy

sleep 5     # Record 5 seconds of audio



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'audio'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install audio


Copyright 2015 Brandon Fosdick [email protected] and released under the BSD license.