
Rails engine for auctions of items. Can be used on any ActiveRecord models.


  • :item - object/model, which should be auctioned (from main_app)
  • :user - source for seller, owner, buyer and bidder (from main_app)
  • sale - sale of :item; can be direct retail, by auction or some other type
  • auction for one :item (it is Forward auction) (v češtině "Položka aukce")
  • seller - person/company which sells :item in specific sale
  • bidder - registered person/user allowed to bid in specific auction
  • buyer - person/company which buys :item in specific sale ( eg. winner of auction)
  • bid - one bid of one bidder in auction
  • sales_pack - pack of sales(auctions), mostly time framed, Can have physical location or be online. (v češtině "Aukce")
  • auctioneer - (needed?) company organizing auction


  • :item 1 : 0-N sale, (sale time periods cannot overlap)
  • :item N : 1 owner (can change in time)
  • sale N : 1 seller
  • sale N : 1 buyer
  • sale::auction 1 : N bidders (trough bidder_registrations) 1 : N bids
  • sales_pack 0-1 : N sales (sales_pack is optional for sale)
  • auction N : 1 auctioneer (?)



  • Sale::Auction - full body auction of one item for many registered buyer (as bidders)
  • Sale::Retail - direct sale of item to one buyer


  • generator to copy auction's views to main app (so they can be modified) (engine checks main_app views first)


sale belongs_to item polymorphic , STI typed sale belongs_to seller polymorphic sale belongs_to buyer polymorphic auction has_many bidder_registrations (?bidders?) bidder_registration belongs buyer polymorphic

If item.owner exists, it is used as auction.seller (or Select from all aucitfied sellers)

Features required

  • if bidder adds bid in :prolonging_limit minutes before auction ends, end time is extended for bid.time + prolonging_limit (so auction end when there are no bids in last :prolonging_limit minutes)
  • for each auction, there can be set of rules for minimal bid according to current auctioned_price (default can be (1..Infinity) => 1) real example minimal_bids = { (0...5_000) => 100, (5_000...20_000) => 500, (20_000...100_000) => 1_000, (100_000...500_000) => 5_000, (500_000...1_000_000) => 10_000, (1_000_000...2_000_000) => 50_000, (2_000_000..) => 100_000 }
  • first bid do not increase auctioned_price it stays on base_price
  • bidder cannot "overbid" themselves (no following bids from same bidder)
  • auctioneer can define format of auction numbers (eg. "YY#####") and sales_pack numbers
  • there should be ability to follow auction (notification before end) or (new item in auction)
  • item can have category and user can select auction by categories.
  • SalePack can be (un)published /public
  • SalePack can be open (adding items , bidding)/ closed(bidding ended)
  • auctioneer_commision_from_buyer is in % and adds to sold_price in checkout
  • auction have start_time and end_time
  • auction can be highlighted for cover pages
  • auction stores all bids history even those cancelled by admin
  • there should be two types of bid
    • one with maximal price (amount => maximal bid price; placed in small bids as needed), system will increase bid automagicaly unless it reaches maximum
    • second direct bid (amount => bid price; immediattely placed)
  • sales numbering: YY#### (210001, 210002, …, 259999)


In ActiveRecord model use class method auctify_as with params :buyer,:seller, :item.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  auctify_as :buyer, :seller # this will add method like `sales`, `puchases` ....

class Painting < ApplicationRecord
  auctify_as :item # this will add method like `sales` ....

Auctify expects that auctifyied model instances responds to to_label and :item to reponds to owner (which should lead to object auctified as :seller)!


  1. Add gem

    Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

      gem 'auctify'

    And then execute:

      $ bundle

    Or install it yourself as:

      $ gem install auctify
  2. Auctify classes

      class User < ApplicationRecord
        auctify_as :buyer, :seller # this will add method like `sales`, `puchases` ....
      class Painting < ApplicationRecord
        auctify_as :item # this will add method like `sales` ....
  3. Configure

    Enqueuing of BiddingCloserJob (for each auction) is done by peridically performed Auctify::EnsureAuctionsClosingJob. This is up to You how you run it, but interval between runs must be shorter than Auctify.configuration.auction_prolonging_limit_in_seconds.

  - optional
    Auctify.configure do |config|
      config.autoregister_as_bidders_all_instances_of_classes = ["User"] # default is []
      config.auction_prolonging_limit_in_seconds = 10.minutes # default is 1.minute, can be overriden in `SalePack#auction_prolonging_limit_in_seconds` attribute
      config.auctioneer_commission_in_percent = 10 # so buyer will pay: auction.current_price * ((100 + 10)/100)
      config.autofinish_auction_after_bidding = true # after `auction.close_bidding!` immediatelly proces result to `auction.sold_in_auction!` or `auction.not_sold_in_auction!`; default false
      config.when_to_notify_bidders_before_end_of_bidding = 30.minutes # default `nil` => no notifying
      config.restrict_overbidding_yourself_to_max_price_increasing = false # default is `true` so only bids with `max_price` can be applied if You are winner.

  If model autified as `:buyer` responds to `:bidding_allowed?` , check is done before each `!`. Also if `buyer.bidding_allowed? => true` , registration to auction is created on first bid.
  1. Callbacks

    For available auction callback methods to override see app/concerns/auctify/sale/auction_callbacks.rb

  2. Use directly

        banksy = User.find_by(nickname: "Banksy")
        bidder1 = User.find_by(nickname: "Bidder1")
        bidder2 = User.find_by(nickname: "Bidder2")
        piece = Painting.find_by(title: "Love is in the bin")
        piece.owner == banksy # => (not actually) :true
        auction = banksy.offer_to_sale!(piece, { in: :auction, price: 100 })
        auction.offered? # => :true
        auction.item == piece # => :true
        auction.seller == banksy # => :true
        auction.offered_price # => 100.0
        banksy.sales # => [auction]
        banksy.auction_sales # => [auction]
        banksy.retail_sales # => []
        pieces.sales # => [auction]
        auction.bidder_registrations # => []   unless config.autoregister_as_bidders_all_instances_of_classes is set
        auction.bidder_registrations.create(bidder: bidder1) # => error, not allowed ("Aukce aktuálně nepovoluje nové registrace")
        b1_reg = auction.bidder_registrations.create(bidder: bidder1)
        b2_reg = auction.bidder_registrations.create(bidder: bidder2)
        auction.bidder_registrations.size # => 2
        auction.current_price # => nil
        auction.current_price # => 100.0
   !( b1_reg, price: nil, max_price: 150))
        # auction.bid_appended! is called after succesfull bid, You can override it
        # auction.bid_not_appended!(errors) is called after unsuccesfull bid, You can override it
        auction.current_price # => 100.0
        auction.bidding_result.winner # => bidder1
        auction.bidding_result.current_price # => 100.0
        auction.bidding_result.current_minimal_bid # => 101.0    `auction.bid_steps_ladder` is empty, we increasing by 1
   !( b2_reg, price: 145, max_price: nil))
        # some auto bidding is done
        auction.current_price # => 146.0
        auction.bidding_result.winner # => bidder1
        auction.bidding_result.current_price # => 146.0
        auction.bidding_result.current_minimal_bid # => 147.0
        auction.winner # => nil
   !( b2_reg, price: 149, max_price: 155))
        # some auto bidding is done
        auction.current_price # => 151.0
        auction.bidding_result.winner # => bidder2
        auction.bidding_result.current_price # => 151.0
        auction.bidding_result.current_minimal_bid # => 152.0
        auction.bidding_ended? # => true
        auction.buyer # => nil
        auction.winner # => bidder2
        auction.sold_in_auction!(buyer: bidder2, price: 149, sold_at: currently_ends_at)  # it is verified against bids!
        auction.auctioned_successfully? # => true
        auction.buyer # => bidder2
        # when all negotiations went well
        auction.sold? # => true

    Look into tests test/models/auctify/sale/auction_bidding_test.rb and test/services/auctify/bid_appender_test.rb for more info about bidding process.

    To protect accidential deletions, many associations are binded with dependent: restrict_with_error. Correct order ofdeletion is bids => sales => sales_packs.

Monitor it

Auctify should add some metrics for Prometheus (using Yabeda gem). Exposing them on /metrics path.

group :auctify do
  counter :bids_count, comment: "A counter of applied bids"
  gauge :diff_in_closing_time_seconds,
        comment: "Difference between auction.currently_ends_at and actual sale end time by job"
   gauge :time_between_bids, comment: "Time period between last two bids", tags: [:auction_slug]

See lib/yabeda_config.rb for current setup. Note: diff_in_closing_time_seconds is fill in auction.close_bidding!. At normal setup this is done in background job, so value is maintained in BJ process not rails app. Eg. if You use sidekiq for backgoud jobs, You will need yabeda-sidekiq gem and then value vwill be displayed at port 9394 (


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.