ATV: Ascii Table Values

ATV is a reader for data in ascii table format. It allows you to read data formatted like this:

| name             | dob                |
| Malcolm Reynolds | September 20, 2468 |
| Zoe Washburne    | February 15, 2484  |

or, without separators, like this:

| name             | dob                |
| Malcolm Reynolds | September 20, 2468 |
| Zoe Washburne    | February 15, 2484  |

In Ascii Tables For Clearer Testing I discuss using ascii tables to improve comprehension of software tests.

This gem was originally created when I worked at Indiegogo. Indiegogo has graciously transferred ownership of the gem to me so that I can maintain it going forward.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'atv'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install atv


Rows are returned or yielded as CSV::Row objects.

| **Ascii Table Value** | **Returned Value**           | **Notes**                         |
| Malcolm Reynolds      | "Malcolm Reynolds"           | Most values returned as string    |
| 123                   | "123"                        | including numbers                 |
| wrapped strings are   | "wrapped strings are folded" | Similar to yaml, wrapped          |
| folded                |                              | strings are folded with a single  |
|                       |                              | space replacing the new line      |
|                       | nil                          | The CSV::Row object will have nil |
|                       |                              | for blank values                  |
| null                  | nil                          | null, true, and false are         |
|                       |                              | special values                    |
| true                  | true                         |                                   |
| false                 | false                        |                                   |
#| commented rows        | not included                 | As you would expect, commented    |
#|                       |                              | rows are not included             |

Reading a String

atv = ATV.from_string(string)
atv.each do |row|
  # use row here...

Reading from am IO object

atv =
atv.each do |row|
  # use row here...

More examples can be found in the Examples of Testing With ASCII Tables repo.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request