
Validations and policies for immutable Ruby objects

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I like the ActiveModel::Validations more than any other part of the whole Rails. The more I like it the more painful the problem that it mutates validated objects.

Every time you run validations, the collection of object's #errors is cleared and populated with new messages. So you can't validate frozen (immutable) objects without magic tricks.

To solve the problem, the attestor gem:

  • Provides a simplest API for validating immutable objects.
  • Makes it possible to isolate validators (as policy objects) from their targets.
  • Allows policy objects to be composed by logical operations to provide complex policies.


Instead of collecting errors inside the object, the module defines two instance methods:

  • validate! raises an exception (Attestor::InvalidError), that carries errors outside of the object.
  • validate - the safe version of validate!. It rescues an exception and returns special result object, that carries error info outside of the object.

The object stays untouched (and can be made immutable).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "attestor"

Then execute:


Or add it manually:

gem install attestor

Basic Use

Declare validation in the same way as ActiveModel's .validate method does:

Transfer =, :credit) do
  include Attestor::Validations

  validate :consistent


  def consistent
    fraud = credit.sum - debet.sum
    invalid :inconsistent, fraud: fraud if fraud != 0

Alternatively, you can describe validation in a block, executed in an instance's scope:

class Transfer
  # ...
  validate { invalid :inconsistent if credit.sum != debet.sum }

The #invalid method translates its argument and raises an exception with the resulting message.

# config/locales/en.yml
        inconsistent: "Credit differs from debet by %{fraud}"

To validate an object, use its #validate! method:

debet  = 100)
credit = 90)
fraud_transfer =, credit)

  transfer.validate!       # with the bang
rescue Attestor::InvalidError => error
  error.object == transfer # => true
  error.messages           # => ["Credit differs from debet by 10"]

Alternatively use the safe version #validate. It rescues from an exception and returns a corresponding report:

report = transfer.validate  # without the bang

report.valid?               # => false
report.invalid?             # => true
report.object == transfer   # => true
report.messages             # => ["Credit differs from debet by 10"]
report.error                # => <Attestor::InvalidError ...>

Once again, the report collects messages outside of the checked object.

Use of Contexts

Sometimes you need to validate the object agaist the subset of validations, not all of them.

To do this use :except and :only options of the .validate class method.

class Transfer
  # ...
  validate :consistent, except: :steal_of_money

Then call a #validate!/#validate methods with that context:

fraud_transfer.validate!                 # => InvalidError
fraud_transfer.validate! :steal_of_money # => PASSES!

You can use the same validator several times with different contexts. They will be used independently from each other.

class Transfer
  # ...

  validate :consistent, only: :fair_trade, :consistent
  validate :consistent, only: :legal


You can group validations that uses shared context:

class Transfer

  # This is the same as:
  # validate :consistent, only: :fair_trade
  # validate :limited, only: :fair_trade
  validations only: :fair_trade do
    validate :consistent
    validate :limited


Extract validator to an external object (policy), that responds to validate!.

ConsistentTransfer =, :credit) do
  include Attestor::Validations

  def validate!
    invalid :inconsistent unless debet.sum == credit.sum

Then use validates helper (with an "s" at the end):

class Transfer 
  # ...
  validates {, :credit) }

or by method name:

class Transfer
  # ...
  validates :consistent_transfer

  def consistent_transfer, :credit)

The difference between .validate :something and .validates :something methods is that:

  • .validate expects #something to make checks and raise error by itself
  • .validates expects #something to respond to #validate!

Policy Objects

Basically the policy includes Attestor::Validations with additional methods to allow logical compositions.

To create a policy as a Struct use the builder:

ConsistencyPolicy =, :credit) do
  def validate!
    fraud = credit - debet
    invalid :inconsistent, fraud: fraud if fraud != 0

If you doesn't need Struct, include Attestor::Policy to the class and initialize its arguments somehow else:

class ConsistencyPolicy
  include Attestor::Policy
  # ...

Policy objects can be used by validates method like other objects that respond to #validate!:

class Transfer
  # ...
  validates {, credit) }

Complex Policies

Policies (assertions) can be combined by logical methods.

Suppose we have two policy objects:

valid_policy.validate.valid?   # => true
invalid_policy.validate.valid? # => false

Use factory methods to provide compositions:

complex_policy = valid_policy.not
complex_policy.validate! # => fails

complex_policy = valid_policy.and(valid_policy, invalid_policy)
complex_policy.validate! # => fails

complex_policy = invalid_policy.or(invalid_policy, valid_policy)
complex_policy.validate! # => passes

complex_policy = valid_policy.xor(valid_poicy, valid_policy)
complex_policy.validate! # => fails

complex_policy = valid_policy.xor(valid_poicy, invalid_policy)
complex_policy.validate! # => passes

The or, and and xor methods called without argument(s) don't provide a policy object. They return lazy composer, expecting #not method.

complex_policy = valid_policy.and.not(invalid_policy, invalid_policy)
# this is the same as:
valid_policy.and(invalid_policy.not, invalid_policy.not)

If you prefer wrapping to chaining, use the Policy factory methods instead:

Policy.and(valid_policy, invalid_policy)
# this is the same as: valid_policy.and(invalid_policy)

Policy.or(valid_policy, invalid_policy)
# this is the same as: valid_policy.or(invalid_policy)

Policy.xor(valid_policy, invalid_policy)
# this is the same as: valid_policy.xor(invalid_policy)

# this is the same as: valid_policy.not

As before, you can use any number of policies (except for negation of a single policy) at any number of nesting.

RSpec helpers

In a RSpec tests you can use spies for valid and invalid objects:

  • valid_spy is a spy that returns nil in response to #validate! and valid report in responce to #validate.
  • invalid_spy raises on #validate! and returns invalid report in responce to #validate method call.
require "attestor/rspec"

describe "something" do

  let(:valid_object)   { valid_spy   }
  let(:invalid_object) { invalid_spy }

  # ...

To check whether an arbitrary object is valid, simply use #validate method's result:

expect(object.validate).to be_valid
expect(object.validate).to be_invalid

Latest changes

Version 2.0.0

  1. The method #validate doesn't raise an error. It returns a validation results report. To raise an exception use the unsafe #validate! method (see Basic Use for details).

  2. Policies doesn't have #valid? and #invalid? methods any longer. Both the methods are removed to #validate report.

Version 2.1.0


Tested under rubies compatible to rubies with API 2.0+:

  • MRI 2.0+
  • Rubinius-2 (mode 2.0)
  • JRuby 9000+ (mode 2.0+)

Uses RSpec 3.0+ for testing and hexx-suit for dev/test tools collection.


  • Fork the project.
  • Read the STYLEGUIDE.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with Rakefile or version (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
