
Ruby on Rails integration for attache server


React, jQuery, Bootstrap 3


Install the attache_client package from Rubygems:

gem install attache_client

Or add this to your Gemfile

gem "attache_client"

Add the attache javascript to your application.js

//= require attache

Or you can include the various scripts yourself

//= require attache/cors_upload
//= require attache/bootstrap3
//= require attache/ujs



To use attache, you only need to store the path, given to you after you've uploaded a file. So if you have an existing model, you only need to add a string, varchar or text field

rails generate migration AddPhotoPathToUsers photo_path:string

To assign multiple images to one model, you'd only need one text field

rails generate migration AddPhotoPathToUsers photo_path:text


In your model, serialize the column

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :photo_path, JSON

New or Edit form

In your form, you would add some options to file_field using the attache_options helper method. For example, a regular file field may look like this:

= f.file_field :photo_path

Change it to

= f.file_field :photo_path, **attache_options('64x64#', f.object.photo_path)

Or if you're expecting multiple files uploaded, simply add multiple: true

= f.file_field :photo_path, multiple: true, **attache_options('64x64#', f.object.photo_path)

NOTE: 64x64# is just an example, you should define a suitable geometry for your form

Strong Parameters

You'd need to permit the new field in your controller. For example, a strong parameters definition may look like this in your Users controller

def user_params

If you're only accepting a single file upload, change it to

def user_params
  params.require(:user).permit(:name, :photo_path)

If you're accepting multiple file uploads via multiple: true, change it to

def user_params
  params.require(:user).permit(:name, photo_path: [])


Use the attache_urls helper to obtain full urls for the values you've captured in your database.

- attache_urls(@user.photo_path, '128x128#') do |url|
  = image_tag(url)

Alternatively, you can get the list of urls and manipulate it however you want

= image_tag attache_urls(@user.photo_path, '128x128#').sample
