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Core library and tests to integrate with an attache server; to be leveraged by client libraries e.g. attache_rails which integrates with ActiveRecord

Testing against an attache-compatible server

Test suite will interact with a server when ATTACHE_URL is explicitly set. This can conveniently check if a server at a given URL is attache-compatible. To run such compatibility check, execute the test suite with ATTACHE_URL and ATTACHE_SECRET_KEY set to the correct values

ATTACHE_URL=http://localhost:9292 ATTACHE_SECRET_KEY=topsecret rake

NOTE: the test suite will upload a small jpg file and delete it immediately, for several iterations.

Environment variables

Important variables:

  • ATTACHE_URL url pointing to the attache server instance, default http://localhost:9292
  • ATTACHE_SECRET_KEY optional shared secret with attache server, default no secret

Optional variables:

  • ATTACHE_UPLOAD_DURATION browser upload signature expiration duration, default 3 hours; used in conjunction with ATTACHE_SECRET_KEY
  • ATTACHE_UPLOAD_URL, ATTACHE_DOWNLOAD_URL, ATTACHE_DELETE_URL specific urls pointing to upload, download, delete API end points, default {ATTACHE_URL}/upload, {ATTACHE_URL}/view, {ATTACHE_URL}/delete
  • ATTACHE_DISCARD_FAILURE_RAISE_ERROR when set, raises an error if deleting of files causes an error. by default, deletion errors are discarded
