Ruby SDK for Entera's Activity Tracking System

The ATS SDK for Ruby is a convenient way to create analytics Events and publish them to an SNS topic

Getting Started


The ATS SDK is available from RubyGems. Add the following dependency to your Gemfile:

   gem 'ats-sdk'


The ATS SDK uses the credentials and region from your AWS SDK configuration.


To use in a Rails application, we recommend creating an initializer under the config/initializers directory in order to bootstrap the ATS object. There you will configure the ATS SDK with your SNS topic:

# config/initializers/ats.rb
ATS.configure do |config|
  config.topic = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my-topic'

Quick Example

Create and publish an Event

event = {
  subject: {
    type: 'User',
    key: 'fm-12iubg9uhaf82f'
  verb: 'edit',
  direct_object: {
    type: 'Opportunity',
    key: 'fe8f3a65-13ed-45b7-8ebf-45c24d321023'
  context: {
    field: 'broker_signature',
    previous_value: 'Robert Salmos',
    current_value: 'Robert Salmons'