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Client interface for the @Pay API and key generation for performance optimization. This library is designed for advanced implementation of the @Pay API, with the primary purpose of enhancing performance for high-traffic, heavily utilized platforms.

Interfaces here are implemented after receiving OAuth 2.0 privileges for the partner/user record. You cannot authenticate directly to the API with this library at this moment.


ruby >= 1.9


Add the ‘atpay_tokens’ gem to your Gemfile:

```ruby #Gemfile

gem ‘atpay_tokens’ ```


With the keys scope, authenticate with OAuth, and make a request to the ‘keys’ endpoint (see the api documentation at to receive the partner_id, public key and private key.

Apply these values to your configuration

ruby session ={ :environment => :sandbox, # Either :sandbox or :production :partner_id => 1234, # Integer value partner id :public_key => "XXX", # Provided public key :private_key => "YYY" # Provided private key })

Command Line Usage

$ atpay_tokens --help


atpay_tokens v2.1
         --private-key, -p <s>:   [global] The private key given to you by @Pay
          --public-key, -u <s>:   [global] @Pay's public key, given to you by @Pay
          --partner-id, -a <i>:   [global] The partner ID given to you by @Pay
         --environment, -e <s>:   [global] The environment you want to generate buttons for. Currently sandbox or production (default: production)
              --config, -c <s>:   [global] The path to a configuration file in yml format
                --type, -t <s>:   [global] The type of token to generate (site,email,universal)
                --card, -r <s>:   [site-token, email-token] The card token associated with the recipient of this token. If `type` is site, this must be present
               --email, -m <s>:   [email-token] The email associated with the receipt of this token. Incompatible when `type` is 'site'
                 --url, -l <s>:   [universal-token] The Signup url the recipient should go to if they don't have payment informaiton.  Incompatible when `type` is 'site' or 'email'
              --amount, -o <f>:   [token] The amount a user should be charged for the transaction you're generating a token for (default: 5.0)
           --user-data, -s <s>:   [token] Data to pass back as a reference
             --expires, -x <i>:   [token] Expiration date for token, integer value of seconds since epoch
   --header-user-agent, -h <s>:   [site-token] The HTTP_USER_AGENT from the client's request header (if `type` is 'site')
  --header-accept-language, -d <s>:   [site-token] The HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE from the client's request header (if `type` is 'site')
   --header-accept-charset <s>:   [site-token] The HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET from the client's request header (if `type` is 'site')
          --ip-address, -i <s>:   [site-token] The IP address of the token recipient (if `type` is 'site')
                 --version, -v:   Print version and exit
                        --help:   Show this message
  • Parameters marked as [global] must be passed on the command line
  • Parameters marked with [site-token] are required for site tokens
  • Parameters marked with [email-token] are required for email tokens
  • Parameters marked with [universal-token] are required for universal tokens
  • Parameters marked with [token] are accepted for both site and email tokens


All token arguments (arguments not marked as [global]) may be passed to the command line utility via STDIN in CSV format. The first line of the incoming CSV must be the headers for each column, using the full option names above. For instance, to pass a CSV with amount, card tokens, user_data, and email address:

$ atpay_tokens --private-key="XYZ" --partner-id=999 --type=email < data.csv

amount,user-data,card,email 50.00,refid1,XbsfrYUjAHh0lWSoWS0q3ahIpxohpcM=,[email protected] 100.00,refid2,XbsfrYUjAHh0lWSoWS0q3ahIpxohpcM=,[email protected] 200.00,refid3,XbsfrYUjAHh0lWSoWS0q3ahIpxohpcM=,[email protected]

The above will print 3 tokens for amounts between 50 and 200 dollars, all to charge the same credit card at the same email address.

If you need to change the keys, partner id, or type, you’ll need to start a new instance of the utility for each change.


In order for an @Pay user to make a purchase via email, they’ll need to send a specially crafted key to @Pay’s address. You can either use the OAuth API endpoints to generate buttons and keys, or you can generate the keys yourself. In a high traffic environment you’ll want to generate keys locally.

Let’s assume you have a member with an @Pay account, and you would like to include a $20.00 purchase in an email to them:

ruby @key = session.security_key(:amount => 20.00, :email => "[email protected]")

Now, include the @key in a mailto link within the email addressed to [email protected]. Your user will make the purchase by clicking the mailto and sending the email.


Keys will expire by default after two weeks. To extend or shorten the expiration time of your offer, just use the expires option and provide a unix timestamp representing the desired expiration:

ruby @key = session.security_key({ :amount => 20.00, :email => "[email protected]", :expires => ( + (3600 * 5)) # Expire in 5 hours })

Key Groups

You can generate groups of key values for a user that will automatically invalidate all members of the group when one key is processed. This is useful when sending out multiple keys via email when only one key should ever be processed:

```ruby @keys = session.security_key({ :amount => [20.00, 30.00, 40.00], :email => “[email protected]” })

returns array length == 3


User Data

You can pass in arbitrary data that will be returned to you upon the successful parsing of a token in @Pay’s system. There is a limit of 2500 characters on this argument. It is expected to be a string beyond that any formatting should be returned as it was received.

ruby @key = session.security_key({ :amount => 20.00, :email => 'email@address', :user_data => "{ sku: '82', cid: '3', notes: 'expedited' } " })