<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/Shopify/asset_cloud.png?branch=master” alt=“Build Status” />


An abstraction layer around arbitrary and diverse asset stores.

Value Hash vs Checksum

value_hash is intended as a private hash/checksum, not exposed to end users. Its underlying algorithm is private, and could change over time so should not be relied on by clients.

checksum is intended as a public hash/checksum, exposed to end users. Its underlying algorithm is documented (e.g. MD5) and is not expected to change.


as a Gem

gem install asset_cloud


dev test

With S3 Remote test:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<s3_key>" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<s3_secret_key>" S3_BUCKET_NAME="<bucket_name>" bundle exec rake spec

With GCS Remote test:

GCS_PROJECT_ID="<project_id>" GCS_KEY_FILEPATH="<path_to_key>" GCS_BUCKET="<bucket_name>" bundle exec rake spec


Releasing is handled by Shopify’s internal Shipit server.

After merging a change, a separate PR should be opened to update History.md and bump the version (following Semantic Versioning).

When merged, the new release will be automatically tagged and deployed to rubygems.org.

Note that the automatic process does not create a new release on GitHub.

Copyright © 2008-2014 Tobias Lütke & Shopify, Inc. Released under the MIT license (see LICENSE for details).