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Ruby REST API to Process Presentation in Cloud

This repository contains Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Ruby source code. This SDK allows you to process & manipulate PPT, PPTX, ODP, OTP using Aspose.slides Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications.

You may want to check out Aspose free Powerpoint to PDF, Powerpoint to Word, Powerpoint to JPG, Powerpoint to PNG, PDF to Powerpoint, JPG to Powerpoint, and PNG to Powerpoint converters because they are live implementations of popular conversion processes.

Presentation Processing Features

  • Fetch presentation images in any of the supported file formats.
  • Copy the layout side or clone the master slide from the source presentation.
  • Process slides shapes, slides notes, placeholders, colors & font theme info.
  • Programmatically create a presentation from HTML & export it to various formats.
  • Merge multiple presentations or split the single presentation into multiple ones.
  • Extract and replace text from a specific slide or an entire presentation.

Read & Write Presentation Formats

Microsoft PowerPoint: PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM, POTX, POTM OpenOffice: ODP, OTP, FODP Other: PDF, PDF/A

Save Presentation As

Fixed Layout: XPS Images: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, SVG Web: HTML/HTML5 Other: MPEG4, SWF (export whole presentations)

Enhancements in Version 24.2

  • Added GetCommentAuthors method to get list of comment authors.

Enhancements in Version 24.1

  • Added GetAvailableFonts method to get list of installed system & custom fonts.


All Aspose.Slides Cloud SDKs are licensed under MIT License.

How to use the SDK?

The complete source code is available in this repository folder. You can either directly use it in your project via source code or get Ruby gem (recommended).


To use Aspose Slides Cloud SDK for Ruby you need to register an account with Aspose Cloud and lookup/create App Key and SID at Cloud Dashboard. There is free quota available. For more details, see Aspose Cloud Pricing.


gem install aspose_slides_cloud

Sample usage

The example code below converts a PowerPoint document to PDF format using aspose_slides_cloud library:

    require 'aspose_slides_cloud'

    configuration =
    configuration.app_sid = "MyClientId"
    configuration.app_key = "MyClientSecret"
    api =
    result = api.convert(File.binread("MyPresentation.pptx"), "pdf")
    File.binwrite("MyPresentation.pdf", result)
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