RPM reader/writer library written in Ruby.
It aims to provide fpm with a way to read and write rpms.
Why not use librpm?
The API is quite confusing in many places, poorly documented in most. I have reached out to some CentOS/rpm folks to see what we can do about improving that API.
Even still, librpm has dependencies of its own. I want fpm to be able to read and write RPMs without requiring and endless chain of dependencies and most especially without requiring root access to get things going.
Mainly, if I try to build librpm myself, I get this: "configure: error: missing required NSPR / NSS header" and I'm not the burden of dependency resolution on fpm users.
API ideas
It should be possible to do a read+modify+write on an RPM.
Creating an RPM (proposed API)
rpm =
# requires and conflicts
rpm.requires("name") <= "version" # Something fun-dsl-likef
rpm.requires("name", :<=, "version") # Or maybe something like this
# provides
# Add some files
rpm.files << path
rpm.files << path2
rpm.files << path3
# Scripts?
Reading an RPM (proposed API)
rpm =
rpm.requires # Array of RPM::Requires ?
rpm.provides # Array of 'Provides' strings?
rpm.conflicts # Array of RPM::Conflicts ?
rpm.files # Array of RPM::File ?
Maybe something like:
rpm.files.each do |file|
# Tags that are defined in rpm header tags
# fileclass filecolors filecontexts filedependsn filedependsx filedevices
# filedigests fileflags filegroupname fileinodes filelangs filelinktos
# filemodes filemtimes filerdevs filesizes fileusername fileverifyflags
# frankly, we don't care about most of these. Meaningful ones:
# username, groupname, size, mtime, mode, linkto
# could give a nice IO-like thing that let you read the file out
# of the rpm