Arlj - ActiveRecord Left Join Travis CI

Make left joins feel like first-class citizens in ActiveRecord.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'arlj'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install arlj


Load Arlj into your class:

class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Arlj

Or extend all of ActiveRecord models:

ActiveRecord::Base.extend Arlj

Then begin to left join!

puts Parent.left_joins(:children).group('').select('COUNT(').to_sql
     FROM "parents"
     LEFT OUTER JOIN "children"
                  ON "children"."parent_id" = "parents"."id"

left_joins is purposely low level for maximum control.

Arlj has an aggregation method that is higher level and generally easier to use:

Parent.left_joins_aggregate(:children, 'COUNT(*)').to_sql
=> SELECT "parents".*
     FROM "parents"
     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT "children"."parent_id"
                           , COUNT("children"."id") AS children_count
                        FROM "children"
                       GROUP BY "children"."parent_id") arlj_aggregate_children
                  ON arlj_aggregate_children."parent_id" = "parents"."id"

Supported aggregation functions are COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), and MAX().

The aggregation column has a default name of {table}_{function}_{column} which is easily renamed:

Parent.left_joins_aggregate(:children, 'SUM(age)' => 'ekkekkekkekkeptangya').to_sql
=> SELECT "parents".*
     FROM "parents"
     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT "children"."parent_id"
                           , SUM("children"."age") AS ekkekkekkekkeptangya
                        FROM "children"
                       GROUP BY "children"."parent_id") arlj_aggregate_children
                  ON arlj_aggregate_children."parent_id" = "parents"."id"

Since Arlj uses a sub-select, you can easily chain additional queries:

Parent.left_joins_aggregate(:children, 'COUNT(*)').select('children_count').to_sql
=> SELECT children_count
     FROM "parents"
     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT "children"."parent_id"
                           , COUNT("children"."id") AS children_count
                        FROM "children"
                       GROUP BY "children"."parent_id") arlj_aggregate_children
                  ON arlj_aggregate_children."parent_id" = "parents"."id"

Arlj also supports some basic where clauses:

Parent.left_joins_aggregate(:children, 'COUNT(*)', where: {age: 1..5}).to_sql
=> SELECT "parents".*
     FROM "parents"
     LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT "children"."parent_id"
                           , COUNT("children"."id") AS children_count
                        FROM "children"
                       WHERE ("children"."age" BETWEEN 1 AND 5)
                       GROUP BY "children"."parent_id") arlj_aggregate_children
                  ON arlj_aggregate_children."parent_id" = "parents"."id"

If you prefer, you may also use arlj and arlj_aggregate instead of left_joins and left_joins_aggregate respectively. To prevent potential naming conflicts, use Arlj::Base instead:

class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Arlj::Base

Arlj has an experimental flag that uses the memoist gem to memoize the generated join SQL:


This has not been proven to be faster.


  • Since left_joins_aggregate uses a sub-select for its aggregation, it can underperform a better optimized query.

  • When left_joins_aggregate joins zero records, the aggregate column is NULL. To operate correctly on these columns, please use COALESCE(col, 0).


  • left_joins(nested: :relations)
  • left_joins_aggregate([...], merge:
  • has_and_belongs_to_many
  • has_many :through =>


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request