
A ruby gem as an interface for ArcGIS (platform of Esri) Vehicle Routing Problem service REST API

You can install this gem by:

gem install arcgis_vrps

If at any moment you get the error similar to:

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

Please follow the steps outlined here

To debug / test the gem do the following on the command line:

  • irb -Ilib -rarcgis_vrps
  • a=Arcgis_Vrps.new("rdvAIjUCEMegkoId","a22acf9678c24b34960c320dddfe96cc") auth = Auth.new("rdvAIjUCEMegkoId","a22acf9678c24b34960c320dddfe96cc")