
This gem allows you to update ActiveRecord counter cache columns asynchronously using Resque ( You may want to do this in situations where you want really speedy inserts and have models that "belong_to" many different parents and also allows for fast inserts of many children for the same parent.

For example, let's say a single Post gets 1000 comments very quickly. This will set a key in Redis indicating that there is a delta of +1000 for that Post's comments_count column. It will also queue 1000 Resque jobs. This is where resque-lock-timeout comes in. Only one of those jobs will be allowed to run at a time. Once a job acquires the lock it removes all other instances of that job from the queue (see IncrementCountersWorker.around_perform_lock1).

You use it like such:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments
  has_many :posts

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user, :async_counter_cache => true
  has_many :comments

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user, :async_counter_cache => true
  belongs_to :post, :async_counter_cache => "count_of_comments"

Notice, you may specify the name of the counter cache column just as you can with the normal belongs_to :counter_cache option. You also may not use both the :async_counter_cache and :counter_cache options in the same belongs_to call.

All you should need to do is require this gem in your project that uses ActiveRecord and you should be good to go;

e.g. In your Gemfile:

gem 'ar-async-counter-cache', '0.1.0'

and then in RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb somewhere:

require 'ar-async-counter-cache'

By default, the Resque job is placed on the :counter_caches queue:

@queue = :counter_caches

However, you can change this:

in RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb somewhere:

ArAsyncCounterCache.resque_job_queue = :low_priority

ArAsyncCounterCache::IncrementCountersWorker.cache_and_enqueue can also be used to increment/decrement arbitrary counter cache columns (outside of belongs_to associations):

ArAsyncCounterCache::IncrementCountersWorker.cache_and_enqueue(klass, id, column, direction)


  • klass is the Class of the ActiveRecord object
  • id is the id of the object
  • column is the counter cache column
  • direction is either :increment or :decrement