
Ruby client for comply.aptible.com. The Comply server is built on top of HAL+JSON, and so this client is just a thin layer on top of the HyperResource gem.


Add the following lines to your application's Gemfile.

gem 'aptible-comply'

And then run bundle install.


First, get a token:

token = Aptible::Auth::Token.create(email: '[email protected]', password: 'password')

From here, you can interact with the Comply server.


Parameter Description Default
root_url Root URL of the Comply server ENV['APTIBLE_COMPLY_ROOT_URL'] or https://comply-api.aptible.com

To point the client at a different server (e.g., during development), add the following to your application's initializers (or set the APTIBLE_COMPLY_ROOT_URL environment variable):

Aptible::Comply.configure do |config|
  config.root_url = 'http://some.other.url'


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Commit your changes, with specs.
  3. Ensure that your code passes specs (rake spec) and meets Aptible's Ruby style guide (rake rubocop).
  4. Create a new pull request on GitHub.

MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) 2019 Aptible and contributors.