Hydrogen Web Components
For more information, please visit https://www.hydrogenplatform.com/no-code
- Ruby 2.7+
Install the gem locally:
gem build app_token_api.gemspec
gem install app_token_api-1.0.2.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./app_token_api-1.0.2.gem
to install the development dependencies)
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'app_token_api', '~> 1.0.2'
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please first follow the installation instructions. Then make sure you use the proper base URL:
Base URL
Follow steps to verify the base URL path:
- Go to configuration file located under lib folder.
- Search for @host and change/verify the URL according to the environment.
Sandbox Base URL https://sandbox.hydrogenplatform.com
Production Base URL https://api.hydrogenplatform.com
Sample Code
Now you are ready to execute the following Ruby code:
# Load the gem
require 'admin_api'
#### Get App Token
api_instance = AdminApi::AutoGenerateAppTokenApi.new
attribMap = [{"name" => "public-key", "value" => "xxxx"},{"name" => "client-id", "value" => "xxxx"}, {"name" => "card-id", "value" => "xxxx"}]
appTokenConfig = {}
appTokenConfig['appName'] = [{'app_name':'pfm_cash_flow', 'auth_type':'password_credentials'}]
appTokenConfig['userAccessToken'] = userAuthToken
appTokenConfig['attribMap'] = attribMap
appTokenConfig['isEmbed'] = TRUE
appTokenConfig['isCredsPassed'] = TRUE
appTokenConfig['clientId'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['clientSecret'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['username'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['password'] = "xxxx"
appTokenConfig['basePath'] = "https://api.hydrogenplatform.com"
appTokenConfig['authType'] = "client_credentials"
result = api_instance.get_app_token_using_get(appTokenConfig)
p result
rescue AdminApi::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AppTokenApi->get_app_token_using_get: #{e}"
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