
Vagrant box containing lot of tools and libs for data science


Gem Version Dependency Status Code Climate Build Status Coverage Status


What is this heavy-weight box for? For super-quick prototyping.

Yes. You know what.

  1. You got an idea. You want to immediately start working on it.
  2. You realize you need to setup development environment with all the tools and stuff.

That is what this fat boy is here for. It can be made up and running with few commands.

What is included

Lot of useful stuff, for full list see WHATS_IN.md

  • Databases - couchdb, memcached, mongodb, postgresql, redis, ...
  • Programming Languages - c, c++, clojure, node.js, ruby/rvm, scala, ...
  • Tools - mocha, ...

Again, for full list see WHATS_IN.md

Automagically forwarded services

This lists services which are automatically forwarded from running fat box to localhost.

That means that you can access them using http://localhost:HostPortNumer from table below.

Service Guest Host Username Password
SSH 22 2222 vagrant vagrant
Nginx 80 81 n/a n/a
Zookeeper 2181 2182 n/a n/a
PostgreSQL 5432 5433 vagrant vagrant
CouchDB 5984 5985 n/a n/a
Redis 6379 6380 n/a n/a
Tomcat7 8080 8081 vagrant vagrant
ElasticSearch 9200 9201 n/a n/a
Memcached 11211 11212 n/a n/a
RabbitMQ 15672 15673 guest guest
MongoDB 27017 27018 n/a n/a
MongoDB Rest 28017 28018 n/a n/a

Getting Started



# Clone this repo containging Vagrantfile with vagrant settings
git clone https://github.com/korczis/apollon.git

# Enter the folder with Vagrantfile, be aware of trailing box folder in path!
cd apollon

# Kick off the vagrant up process
vagrant up

Example output of succesful launch can be found here.

Logging in

For loggining-in use vagrant ssh.

vagrant ssh

Destroying instance

Destroy instance using vagrant destroy.

vagrant destroy


For list of TODO stuff see TODO.md
