APN is a lightweight Apple Push Notification daemon for Ruby on Rails. APN runs as a daemon, works asynchronously using Redis and keeps persistent connection to Apple Push Notification Server.


APN works asynchronously, queueing messages from Redis, so you will need to have a running instance of the Redis server.

Installation guide for Redis server

You will also need certificate file from Apple to be able to communicate with their server. There are many guides how to do that. Put your certificate from Apple in your RAILS_ROOT/config/certs directory.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'apn'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install apn

Daemon usage

Run daemon within your root Rails directory with this command:

Usage: apn start|stop|run [options]
    --cert_file=MANDATORY        Location of the cert pem file
    --cert_password=OPTIONAL     Password for the cert pem file
    --redis_host=OPTIONAL        Redis hostname
    --redis_port=OPTIONAL        Redis port
    --queue=OPTIONAL             Name of the Redis queue
    --log_file=OPTIONAL          Log file (default STDOUT)
    --help                       Show help

You can use apn stop instead of start in order to kill a running daemon with the options you provide.

Client usage

require 'apn'

message = {:alert => 'This is a test from APN!', :badge => 16}

If you want to configure APN, just add configuration block.

require 'apn'

APN.configure do |config|
  config.redis_host = 'localhost'
  config.redis_port = 6379

message = {:alert => 'This is a test from APN!', :badge => 16}


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