Apitizer Gem Version Dependency Status Build Status

The main ingredient of a RESTful API client.


Add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'apitizer'

Then execute:

$ bundle

Alternatively, you can install the gem manually:

$ gem install apitizer


Create an apitizer describing the API of the Web service you would like to interact with:

apitizer = Apitizer::Base.new do
  address 'https://service.com/api'

  resources :posts do
    resources :comments

The apitizer can now be used to manipulate the resources provided by the Web service. To this end, there are five methods: index, show, create, update, and delete, which can be used as shown below.

To list the members of a collection:

apitizer.index(:posts, post_id, :comments)

To read a member of a collection:

apitizer.show(:posts, post_id)
apitizer.show(:posts, post_id, :comments, comment_id)

To create a new member in a collection:

apitizer.create(:posts, title: 'To be or not to be')
apitizer.create(:posts, post_id, :comments, content: 'That is the question.')

To update a member of a collection:

apitizer.update(:posts, post_id, title: 'What is the meaning of life?')
apitizer.update(:posts, post_id, :comments, comment_id, content: '42.')

To delete a member of a collection:

apitizer.delete(:posts, post_id)
apitizer.delete(:posts, post_id, :comments, comment_id)


Here is an example for the Typekit API. Check out Typekit Client as well.


require 'apitizer'

options = {
  # Format
  format: :json,
  # Authorization
  headers: { 'X-Typekit-Token' => ENV['tk_token'] },
  # Non-standard REST-HTTP mapping
  dictionary: { update: :post }

apitizer = Apitizer::Base.new(options) do
  address 'https://typekit.com/api/v1/json'

  resources :families, only: :show do
    show ':variation', on: :member

  resources :kits do
    resources :families, only: [ :show, :update, :delete ]
    show :published, on: :member
    update :publish, on: :member

  resources :libraries, only: [ :index, :show ]

puts JSON.pretty_generate(apitizer.index(:kits))


  "kits": [
      "id": "bas4cfe",
      "link": "/api/v1/json/kits/bas4cfe"
      "id": "sfh6bkj",
      "link": "/api/v1/json/kits/sfh6bkj"
      "id": "kof8zcn",
      "link": "/api/v1/json/kits/kof8zcn"
      "id": "zyx4wop",
      "link": "/api/v1/json/kits/zyx4wop"


Apitizer was a part of Typekit Client.


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a branch for your feature (git checkout -b awesome-feature).
  3. Implement your feature (vim).
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Implemented an awesome feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin awesome-feature).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.