
This gem gives you the tools to keep your product models synchronized with ApiSync.

  • DSL: built-in DSL for ActiveRecord models that pushes your data automatically to apisync.io.
  • Sidekiq: when Sidekiq is present, this gem will push data asynchronously. Otherwise, it will fallback to pushing data synchronously.

If you're not using Rails with ActiveRecord, please use apisync-ruby instead.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'apisync-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Step 1: API Key: in config/initializers/apisync.rb, define your key:

Apisync.api_key = ENV["APISYNC_API_KEY"];

Step 2: setup your models: you need to define which attributes in your product models map to the attributes in ApiSync.

Some attributes are required. See the API reference for details.

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  apisync do
    # required attributes
    attribute :ad_template_type, from: :category
    attribute :available,        from: :active?
    attribute :content_language, value: "pt-br"

    # recommended attributes
    attribute :brand,        from: :manufacturer
    attribute :condition,    from: :normalize_condition
    attribute :description
    attribute :images
    attribute :link
    attribute :model
    attribute :price
    attribute :reference_id, from: :id # optional, defaults to :id
    attribute :title
    attribute :year

    # these are other attributes that you can send
    custom_attribute :city,  name: :city_attr_name


  # required format (see reference docs)
  def images
      uri: "https://page.com/image1.jpg",
      order: 1
    }, {
      uri: "https://page.com/image2.jpg",
      order: 2

  # required format (see reference docs)
  def price
      amount: 1234, # equivalent to R$12,34
      currency: "BRL"

  # these give a human name to the custom attributes,
  # called based on :name parameters
  def city_attr_name
    "Delivery city"


attribute specifies one value to be sent to ApiSync. Pass the attribute name as parameter, e.g attribute :brand.

from specifies what method has the values for the respective attribute. If you leave it blank then we'll default to the attribute name, e.g attribute :brand will call def brand whereas attribute :brand, from: :manufacturer will call def manufacturer.

value specifies a value for the respective attribute. Ideal for values that don't change.

custom_attribute allows you to specify an attribute that is not part of the documentation. You can use these to create richer ad templates.

Reference ID

The reference_id attribute is extremely important. We use the attribute to keep track of the record's state. The first time a record is sent, ApiSync creates it and saves the reference id. The second time a record is sent it knows that it only needs to be updated, not created. If you omit reference_id, we will keep creating the same record over and over.

By default, reference_id is set to whatever id value is. You can customize it, e.g attribute :reference_id, from: :my_custom_id.

Note on callbacks

This gem uses Rails' callbacks to trigger synchronization. If you're bypassing methods like after_commit, no data will be sent to ApiSync. For example, update_attribute doesn't perform validations checks, so please use update_attributes instead.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/apisync/apisync-rails.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.