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This repository contains the client implementation that uses the faraday client library for the ruby SDKs provided by APIMatic.

Version supported

Currently APIMatic supports 2.6 <= Ruby version <= 3.2 hence faraday-client-adapter will need the same versions to be supported.


Installation is quite simple, just execute the following command:

gem install apimatic_faraday_client_adapter

If you'd rather install apimatic_faraday_client_adapter using bundler, add a line for it in your Gemfile:

gem 'apimatic_faraday_client_adapter'


Class Description
FaradayClient Executes an HttpRequest and converts the HTTP Response from the client to an HttpResponse object.


Method Description
create_connection Initiates a new connection for executing the HTTP calls
execute Executes request with the properties set
convert_response Converts the Response from the HTTP client into HttpResponse object