Api Authorization (The gem is in development)

A multiple role-based authorization, based on controller actions.

Tests Ruby Gem License: MIT

Database Model



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'api_authorization'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install api_authorization


  1. After you have created your users_table(through devise or manually) next run bash $ rails api_auth:install
  2. Next populate permissions table with your controllers and actions run: bash $ rails api_auth:re_populate_permissions
  3. Include the Authorization module on your ApplicationController : ruby include ActionController::Helpers include ApiAuthorization enable_role_authorization
  4. You can create/read/update/delete roles and permissions for the user through CLI commands or by using the dashboard which you need to install seperately by running: bash rails api_auth:install_dashboard
  5. And after running the rails app visit: http://localhost:3000/auth_dashboard # ### CLI commands

Managing Roles and Permissions

There are two ways to manage your roles and


Feel free to suggest a feature or report a bug.

Code Of Conduct


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.