AOJ is a command-line tool for AOJ(Aizu Online Judge). You can submit your source to AOJ and check the result of judgement without opening browser or copy & paste.

This program is forked from aizuzia's AOJToolkit.


Please make sure that Ruby (version 2.0 or later) is installed.

You can install AOJ via

$ gem install aoj


Problem ID and Language are auto-detected by filename. You should make your source file be like [ProblemID].(cpp|rb|...).

Submit simply

$ aoj submit 0001.cpp

Problem ID and Language can be manually specified

$ aoj submit mysource.cpp -p 0001 -l cpp11

Tweet result (only when accepted)

$ aoj submit 0001.cpp -t

List available languages

$ aoj lang
List available languages:
  c, cpp, java, cpp11, csharp, d, ruby, python, python3, php, js

Auto-detect extensions:
  [ext]     [lang]
  .c        c
  .cpp      cpp
  .cc       cpp
  .C        cpp
  .java     java
  .rb       ruby
  .cs       csharp
  .d        d
  .py       python
  .php      php
  .js       javascript

You can check all other commands and options by typing aoj and enter.


AOJ supports interactive configuration. Your account information once used will be stored at your home directory ~/.aojrc.

If you need to use an HTTP proxy to access the Internet, export the HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy environment variable: export $HTTP_PROXY="http://user:password@proxy:8080".

AOJ also support some extra configuration.

Custom mapping from file extension to language

To use custom mapping, please edit ~/.aojrc directly.

For example:

  ".py": python3
  ".cpp": cpp11

which means, file will be submitted as Python3 and hoge.cpp is C++11.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request