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Anyway Config

Rails/Ruby plugin/application configuration using any source: YAML, secrets, environment.

Apps using Anyway Config:

Using with Gem

Configure your gemspec do |s|
  s.add_dependancy 'anyway_config', "~>0.4"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install anyway_config


Create configuration class:

require 'anyway'
module MyCoolGem
  class Config < Anyway::Config
    attr_config user: 'root', password: 'root', host: 'localhost'

attr_config creates accessors and default values. If you don't need default values just write:

attr_config :user, :password, host: 'localhost'

Your config will be filled up with values from RAILS_ROOT/config/my_cool_gem.yml, Rails.application.secrets.my_cool_gem (if using Rails) and ENV['MYCOOLGEM_*'].

Customize name

If you want to load config params from, for example, "cool.yml" (secrets, env), just add one line:

module MyCoolGem
  class Config < Anyway::Config
    config_name :cool
    attr_config user: 'root', password: 'root', host: 'localhost', options: {}

Config clear and reload

You can use clear and reload functions on your config (which do exactly what they state).

Using with Rails app

In your Gemfile

require 'anyway_config', "~>0.4"

In your code

config = Anyway::Config.for(:my_app) # load data from config/my_app.yml, secrets.my_app, ENV["MYAPP_*"]

Rails.application.config_for vs Anyway::Config.for

Rails 4.2 introduces new feature: Rails.application.config_for. It looks very similar to Anyway::Config.for, but there are some differences:

Feature Rails Anyway
load data from config/app.yml yes yes
load data from secrets no yes
load data from environment no yes
return Hash with indifferent access no yes
support ERB within config/app.yml yes no
raise errors if file doesn't exist yes no

But the main advantage of Anyway::Config is that it's supported in Rails >= 3.2, Ruby >= 1.9.3. And it can be even used without Rails!

How to set env vars

Environmental variables for your config should start with your module name (or config name if any), uppercased and underscore-free.

For example, if your module is called "MyCoolGem" then your env var "MYCOOLGEM_PASSWORD" is used as config.password.

Environment variables are type-casted (case-insensitive). Examples:

  • "True", "T" and "yes" to true;
  • "False", "f" and "no" to false;
  • "nil" and "null" to nil (do you really need it?);
  • "123" to 123 and "3.14" to 3.14.

Anyway Config supports nested (hashed) environmental variables. Just separate keys with double-underscore. For example, "MYCOOLGEM_OPTIONS__VERBOSE" is transformed to config.options.verbose.

Array values are also supported:

# Suppose ENV["MYCOOLGEM_IDS"] = '1,2,3'
config.ids #=> [1,2,3]

If you want to provide text-like env variable which contain commas then wrap it into quotes:

MYCOOLGEM="Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nouf-Nouf"

Using without Rails

AnywayConfig can be used without Rails too. Environmental variables remain the same. To load config from YAML add special environment variable 'MYGEM_CONF' containing path to config. But you cannot use one file for different environments (unless you do it yourself).


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