
Pre-compiler that turns a single-file role definition into Ansible role files. The single-file role.yml file combines the Ansible main.yml files from the defaults, vars, tasks, and meta subdirectories with a YAML top-level section for each file (defaults:, vars:, tasks: etc.)


    ansible-make-role -c|--clean -f|--force -g|--git -r|--roles=DIR -v|--verbose --version DIR...

ansible-make-role expects a role.yml file in each of the given directories and generates an Ansible role in it. Existing main.yml files will be overwritten or removed but other files won't be touched. ansible-make-role search subdirectories of ./roles if no dirctories was given on the command line


The make.yml contains a section for each generated file so that eg. the tasks section becomes the tasks/main.yml file. The supported sections are defaults, vars, tasks, and handlers. Anything outside of those sections (notably dependencies) goes to the meta/main.yml file


dependencies: # Goes to meta/main.yml
  - role: rails-server

defaults: # Goes to defaults/main.yml
  appl_name: "myapp"
  appl_domain: ""

vars: # Goes to vars/main.yml
  appl_host: "{{ appl_name}}.{{ appl_domain }}"

tasks: # Goes to tasks/main.yml
  - name: "Ensure Apache"
    yum: name=httpd state=present
    notify: restart_httpd

  - name: "Ensure Apache is enabled"
    service: name=httpd enabled=yes

handlers: # Goes to handlers/main.yml"
  - name: restart_httpd
    servide name=httpd state=restarted



-c, --clean Clean the project by removing autogenerated files

-f, --force Re-generate all files even if not needed. Useful if you forgot a --git option

-g, --git Also handle per-role .gitignore files. Note that existing .gitignore files are overwritten

-r, --roles=DIR Use DIR instead of default ./roles

-v, --verbose Report progress

--version Print version


Install it for the current ruby using:

$ gem install ansible_make_role

Please note that the gem name uses underscores but the command uses dashes ('ansible-make-role')