
Annoyme is basically echo "Buy present for mom" >> .bashrc in an improved form. It is a small tool to write notes or todos on the command line and have them listed each time a new terminal gets opened.



$ gem install annoyme

to install annoyme on your local machine.


After installation, annoyme has to register itself in your specific shell. Currently zsh and bash are supported. Furthermore annoyme will create a file to which it will save its notes. This file is located at $HOME/.annoyme. To do all of this initialization work the program provides an init command:

$ annyome init

New notes/todos can be added afterwards:

$ annoyme add "Buy mom a present"
    added       Buy mom a present
$ annoyme add "Make an appointment with dentist"
    added       Make an appointment with dentist

Open a new terminal:

Last login: Sat Feb 18 10:50:35 on ttys004


    1.  Buy mom a present
    2.  Make an appointment with dentist

Remove notes:

$ annoyme remove 1
    deleted     Buy mom a present


Annoyme uses guard and rspec as testing tools. Guard will run for each change only the specs of the file that was modified.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.