0.7.0 / 2012-03-26

This release has some major API changes. Most significantly a number of modules have been renamed. The Method module has been renamed to Annotative::Methods. Likewise the Attribute module has been ranamed to Annotative::Attributes, and so on. These have been renamed so that including Anise in the toplevel will not cause conflicts with any other modules or classes an application or library might be using. In addition these modules now must use extend rather then include to be mixed into a class or module, since they conatin only class methods.


  • Rename Annotations module to Annotations::Store.
  • Rename Annotation module to Annotations.
  • Rename Method module to Annotative::Methods.
  • Rename Attribute module to Annotative::Attributes.
  • Add #method_annotation for use in custom class method.
  • Discourage #method_annotator in favor of #method_annotation.

0.6.0 / 2011-05-16

This release fixes an bug in which append_features cant be called b/c it is a private method. This release also renames ClassMethods modules to Aid.


  • Fixed private method call to #append_features.
  • Rename ClassMethods to Aid.

0.5.0 / 2011-04-30

The primary changes in this release are behind the scenes implementation improvements. The most significant of which is the simplification of the #append_features code. In addition, annotators have been enhanced to assign a single argument if one, and an array of arguments if there are more than one. They can also override the callback altogether.


  • Simplified #append_features code.
  • Use ClassMethod submodules.
  • Annotators differentiate one vs. multiple arguments.
  • Annotators can override method_added callback.

0.4.0 / 2009-05-28

This version adds a callback method called #annotation_added --a striaght-forward callback method patterned after Ruby's other built-in callback methods. The callback should be enough to allow for the creation of "active" annotations.


  • Added annotation_added callback.

0.2.1 / 2008-10-31

Project reorganization release --mostly some file names have changed.


  • Renamed some lib files.

0.2.0 / 2008-10-28

By making Annotations a module, it can not be used in only the clases it is needed.


  • Annotations is a module rather than a core extenstion to Module.

0.1.1 / 2008-10-17

Ahoy, mate! This is the first release of Anise.


  • initial release