Angular Automation Gem Version Dependency Status

Angular automation is a collection of gems for webdriver automation. The angular_automation gem only refers to other gems, it doesn't provide any features by itself.

Gem Description
rspec_flake measure test flakiness and performance.
rspec_junit junit xml reporter that works with rspec_flake
angular_page_object page object gem with bug fixes and angular helpers
angular_webdriver Protractor client side scripts integrated with Ruby webdriver
page_object_stubs page object stub generator for RubyMine
sauce_ruby sauce labs gem with bug fixes
trace_files tracing gem used for debugging
pry pry is used for debugging
rake rake is used for sauce tasks and the stub generation task
page_object fork of the page-object gem with bug fixes and code coverage
webdriver_utils util methods for webdriver such as waiting and page object helpers
sauce-connect sauce connect is used for running locally (outside of jenkins)
sauce_platforms Dependency free DSL for specifying Sauce Labs platforms
sauce_connect_ruby Ruby example that uses all the angular_automation gems

Note that the Sauce Connect gem should be avoided at all cost due to bugs such as crashing, infinite looping, and creating multiple processes. The recommended way is to use the Sauce Jenkins plugin to fully handle the SC lifecycle and avoid the broken Ruby sauce connect code.

The angular_page_object gem depends on:

The rspec_junit gem depends on rspec.


  • require 'angular_automation'

The general use case is:

  • Tests use the angular_page_object gem with stubs & sauce labs integration
  • Setup Jenkins with Sauce OnDemand plugin to use Sauce Connect & enable reporting
    • make sure to check Launch Sauce Connect on Slave
    • Sauce OnDemand support must be checked
    • Export SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY in execute shell
    • rake sauce:spec to run the tests in parallel
    • Use rspec_junit for JUnit xml output
    • Publish JUnit results in post build
    • Run Sauce Labs Test Publisher in post build
  • An example of the setup is available in this repo