

gem 'analytics_instrumentation'


gem install 'analytics_instrumentation'

and then ‘include AnalyticsInstrumentation` in `ApplicationController`:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include AnalyticsInstrumentation


Once installed, write your initializer and yml mappings.


Most behaviors in AnalyticsInstrumentation are one-size-fits-all.

A few behaviors can be hooked into via an initializer (eg. ‘./config/initializers/analytics_instrumentation.rb`) to be customized to your app.

The behaviors exposed are:

# ./config/initializers/analytics_instrumentation.rb

AnalyticsImplementation.configure do |config|
  # Your write key is required. We will instantiate the client.
  config.segment_write_key = ENV["SEGMENT_API_KEY"] || ""

  # # Track "Page View" events for ajax requests? (Default = false)
  # config.track_ajax_as_page_view = true

  # Define a hash of traits to be passed to `#identify()` calls for each user.
  config.custom_user_traits = { |user|
      name: user.full_name,
      created_at: user.created_at,
      provider: user.provider,
      provider_username: user.provider_username,
      postings_count: user.postings_count,
      public_collections_count: user.collections_count,
      private_collections_count: user.private_collections_count,
      followers_count: user.followers_count,
      following_count: user.followed_users_count

  # # AnalyticsInstrumentation sends a variety of properties with each of your events:
  # 1. Event-specific properties are configured via the YML files (see below)
  # 2. System-wide properties are included for you with all events (see below)
  # 3. To have your own system-wide properties included on all events, have them returned by a Proc set to `config.extra_event_properties`, like so:
  config.extra_event_properties = {
      user_sees_experiment_a: current_user.experiment_a?
      user_sees_experiment_b: current_user.experiment_b?

  # To capture and handle errors that happen within AnalyticsInstrumentation,
  # Define an error_handler, like so:
  config.error_handler = { |e, msg|
    if Rails.env.production?
      Rollbar.error(e, msg) # or Airbrake, etc

YML Mappings: Named Events & Properties

AnalyticsInstrumentation maps controller#action pairs to events using YML files in ‘./config/analytics/*.yml`.

These files also define how properties for each event should be constructed, based on the corresponding request/response’s view_assigns. (Calling @var_name in a view)


  1. Requests -> Event names

    # ./config/analytics/home.yml
      name: Viewed Home page
      name: Viewed Press page
      name: Viewed App page
  2. Requests -> Events with simple properties

    # ./config/analytics/issues.yml
      name: Viewed Issue List
      name: Viewed Issue
      page_identifier: ""
        issue_number: "params[:issue_number]"
        title: "@issue.title"
  3. Requests -> Events with dynamic properties

    # ./config/analytics/products.yml
      name: 'if @likedProduct then "Liked Product" else "Unliked Product" end'
      name: Viewed Product
      page_identifier: ""
        product_id: ""
        name: '"\"", "")'
        brand: "@brand.try(:name)"
        category: "@category.try(:name)"
      name: Created Comment
        product_id: ""
        product_name: ""
        comment_text: "@comment.message"
        previous_comment_count: "@product.comments_count"

Simple “Page View” Events

AnalyticsInstrumentation will automatically trigger a “Page View” event for every request, passing ‘request.path` as a `page` property, like so:

properties = {
  page: request.path

This is in addition to the rest of the system-wide properties attached to all events.

System Wide Properties Attached to All Events

  "Raw Analytics ID"  => raw_analytics_id,
  "Ajax"              => !request.xhr?.nil?,

  "logged_in"         => !!current_user,
  "source"            => params[:source], if params[:source]

  "Originating Page Identifier" => session["previous-page-identifier"],
  "Originating Page Type"       => session["previous-page-type"]

All new visitors are cookied with a ‘Raw Analytics ID`, useful as the Actor property when looking at the behavior of logged-out traffic. `Raw Analytics Id` is aliased to user_id when a user logs in, if any of your analytics tools support `#alias()`.

‘Originating Page Type/ID` are set automatically based on the previous internal request. `Type` is the Name of the most recently triggered custom event. `Identifier` is the corresponding `page_identifier:`. Search the YML examples for this in action. Useful to see “How did people get here?”.

Send ‘params` with any GET or POST request to differentiate where in the UI a given event was triggered. eg:

POST /user/create
  user: {...},
  source: 'Navbar'


POST /user/create
  user: {...},
  source: 'Primary CTA'

System Wide Properties Attached Only to Logged In Requests

Any user traits you return from your initializer’s ‘custom_user_traits` config will be merged with the following default user traits:

  "User Created At" => current_user.created_at,
  "Username"        => current_user.try(:username),
  "Full name"       => current_user.try(:full_name),
  "User ID"         =>,
  "Login Provider"  => current_user.try(:provider) || "Email",

Marketing Attribution

AnalyticsInstrumentation makes it easy to see which of your UTM campaigns and external referrers are contributing to product engagement and revenue events deeper in the funnel.

This is done by tracking the first-ever and most-recent set of UTM parameters, as well as the first-ever and most-recent external HTTP referrer for each unique visitor to your site.

These data are passed into all named events (the ones in your YML files) as:

  first_external_referrer:  '',
  latest_external_referrer: '',
  first_utm: {
    name:     'Spring Campaign 1',
    source:   'twitter',
    medium:   'card',
    term:     'flowers',
    content:  'variant1'
  latest_utm: {
    name:     'Spring Campaign 1',
    source:   'twitter',
    medium:   'card',
    term:     'flowers',
    content:  'variant1'

This is useful for doing things like “Count the number of new users generated by each ad campaign” or “How many posts were created by users from that buzzfeed article?”.



Thoughts, Feedback, Ideas?

Please tweet to [@jfeldstein]( or [@msfeldstein]( or open a Github Issue if you have feedback.


Used This Code?

Please let us know if you’ve used this code in any products or projects. We’d love to hear about your experience! Tweet to [@jfeldstein]( or [@msfeldstein](